will you be my boyfriend?

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mordecai's pov

the movie ends and i look down at rigby, who i now see fell asleep. i feel myself smile. of course.

he's in my arms as i big spoon him. we ended up bringing the tv in in our room and setting it up to watch from my bed, him of course laying with me.

it started off feeling awkward, and to me it felt extremely wrong doing all this shit with my best friend who's a GUY.

but then i thought about how it actually felt and stopped thinking of homophobic insecurities, to realize, it felt just right.

i really don't know how i never thought about rigby this way sooner but i regret it.

and when i say 'just right' i mean JUST right. while spooning, he fits perfectly against me. like ying and yang.

me and margaret kinda spooned once, it felt weird and because of her height the positioning was kinda awkward.

with rigby's it's perfect.

and his hair smells fucking amazing, like vanilla cashmere or something. i guess i'll just leave him in my bed with me, i don't wanna wake him up. he sleeps so peacefully. and i can't move myself.. it might wake him.

i grab my phone, looking at the time that reads 9:03pm. eh, whatever we so have work tomorrow so- oh my god we have work tomorrow.

uuuuugh. so yeah, i should just go to sleep.

i grab the remote and turn the tv off, our bedroom door already being shut and locked incase anyone walked in while we were cuddling.

ehehehehehehe. cuddling.

i smile to myself, looking down at rigby one last time before the light from the tv completely dimmed.

he's so pretty. and with the thought of him bouncing through my head, i go to sleep.

time skip 7:30am

i wake up to my phone alarm ringing in my ears and shut it off as fast as i can.

i look down at rigby, who's now huddled up against my side facing me, with his head on my chest/armpit.

i tiredly move my lips to form a smile. he's such a deep sleeper, how does he STILL not wake up to my alarm even when he's right next to it?!? i find it funny.

it's 7:30am and we start work at 9:00am. i don't know if i should let him sleep or not..

i do sometimes, but that's only when we stay up REALLY late the night before or something. it's not often. and it's only when i know he can just get up and be ready.

on second thought.. we're still dressed in our clothes from yesterday and stuff, he probably needs even more time than usual.

wait, he slept in his jewelry?!? i'm glad he didn't choke to death.

my left arm is slightly around him, so i wrap it around to reach his upper arm. i gently nudge it a few times whispering "rigby, rigby, rigby" whispering the last 'rigby' a bit louder.

he lays there still. i nudge him a bit harder. "rigby, wake up we gotta work" i whisper.

he slowly blinks his eyes open, squinting because of the light from the window. "mornin' riggs" i say smiling at him.

he looks up at me confused, then looks down at our bodies and around the room before looking back at me with a softer expression.

he smiles and i see his face turn red. "morning mordo"

"it's 7:30. we should get up and shower and stuff, we never even got ready for bed" i tell him, snickering a bit at the end.

his smile immediately turns into a frown and he yammers. "come onnn, it won't be that bad" i say as i sit up lift him over my lap, switching him to the other side of me so i can stand up.

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