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rigby's pov

me, mordecai, and jeremy finally finish putting all of our beach stuff in the trunk and making it fit.

"why does it seem like we accumulated more things than we brought in the first place?!? it's all the same stuff" i say, chuckling.

they both laugh and mordecai goes "i know right!! we even threw away like half of the food stuff we brought, how did everything grow or something?!?" while laughing even more.

he's shirtless in just his swim trunks, while jeremy had already changed into his shirt and shorts.

mordecai claimed it was 'hot' and that his trunks were 'dry enough to wear on the ride home'. i seriously don't get how he's sweating, it's almost sunset and it's starting to get chilly.

i didn't mind, although jeremy on the otherhand was yelling at him about not getting his seat wet.

we took his car, but mordecai drove. jeremy had crashed that same car before so.. whenever we go out he's the last person to be driving.

although, since it is his car, he's always in the passenger seat. plus, whenever us three would hangout, they would joke saying i'm too short to ride in the passenger seat yet.

at first it was kinda funny, but not after they started saying it EVERY TIME WE WERE TOGETHER.

whatever. atleast i'm still going trick or treating this year and they aren't, last year they got told off by some angry cheap ass dad trying to 'savor the candy for the kids' what a loser.

because of my height, i'll have free candy, but i also open the car door to the BACKSEATS and sit in the middle. i shut it behind me and start to buckle as jeremy does the same in the passenger seat.

once i do, i look up to see mordecai standing with the drivers side door open, just staring off into the distance. huh??

"dude come on get in, it's starting to get cold out" i tell him from the backseat. he doesn't move a muscle.

what is he even staring at??? his face looks mad, or maybe concerned? is there an animal or something??

a few seconds later he drops all his things, including his new phone, and slams the car door shut while booking it into the direction he was staring at.

"dude where are you going!?!" jeremy calls out as he gets out of the car, shutting his car door aswell.

adjusting the way i'm sitting, i finally get to a position where i can see the area he's sprinting full speed towards.

my stomach drops and i freeze.

it's him.

my mind goes blank, i can't think about anything but the person's face i'm staring at from afar.

i see mordecai get close enough and spring into the air towards him, sending both of them back a couple feet. they're now partially out of view, slightly blocked by a cars back end and back tire.

i can really only see their waists down, and every other second mordecai's full body when he swings an arm back to throw a punch. jeremy soon catches up to mordecai and grabs at him, trying to pull him back.

i feel myself start to shake, the only thing keeping me in touch with reality, as i watch this all happen from the backseat just frozen in fear.

after about a good 15-20 seconds jeremy finally manages to pull mordecai off of him, revealing mordecai to have blood splattered and dripping all over his chest aswell as a bloody nose.

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