rigby let me in

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rigby's pov

pls just leave pls just leave pls just leave pls why are you staring into my soul what the actual fuck.

i wish i could scream that at him, but even if i tried to my vocal cords won't let me. they won't let me say anything.. i could barely get out the word 'oh' and an embarrassing ass awkward laugh.

why the fuck does this happen to me?? i'm on the verge of tears, he's been just staring at me for the past 30 seconds now atLEAST.

looking down at me from where he's standing mostly making eye contact, but also just seemingly examining me, it looks like he's trying to read me like a book.

i haven't done anything but look him in the eyes without moving a muscle, still as a tree stump. except for the few times my arm twitched, and my fingers starting to slightly fiddle with eachother nervously. i'm sitting on my trampoline with my arms in my lap.

i swallow probably loudly once i realize his eyes went from unreadable to looking disappointed, and honestly a bit mad. he must have been staring at me for over a minute straight by now.

my heart's racing while i look at him with terrified eyes, trying my best to conceal my furrowed brows and fear.

all of a sudden, he breaks the silence and moves something other than his eyes for the first time in like two minutes. "what is up with you rigby? seriously tell me what's going on, i know something's bothering you" he asked looking concerned, while kneeling down to my level, still looking me in the eyes.

what do i say. i don't know what to say??? i... i don't think i can say anything.. i swallow before opening my mouth slightly to inhale before saying something, but nothing came out. just the noise of my uneven breath.

he's like a foot away from my face. thank god it's dark in here, i just know my face is BEET RED. i can feel it burning up. the only light in the room is through moonlight from our open windows.

fuck fuck fuck i'm gonna start crying. he's making me nervous in two ways, one i like and one i'm TERRIFIED OF. i notice his eyebrows relax and his gaze turn to mostly worry and concern.


there it is. my nickname.

one of my only soft spots. i haven't heard that word in days if not weeks.

i can feel my pulse in my cheeks by now and my throats starting to close up. no matter how hard i fight the tears i feel them approaching anyway.

mordecai's pov

"..riggs?" i ask, genuinely worried for him. what is wrong with him?!?!?

out of nowhere, he leaps up and darts out of our room at the speed of light, slamming the bedroom door on the way out.

what the fuck?!? after thinking about it for a second, i run after him. i heard a slam as i was getting up so he shouldn't be far, i think it was the bathroom door.

once i got to the door whipping it open, i saw the bathroom door was closed with three light on. he's def in there. i rushed over as fast as i could, almost slipping in my socks and running into the door face first.

pounding on the door i call out "RIGBY! IS THAT YOU?!?" the whole house went silent for a second, and that was when i heard muffled sobs coming from the other side of the bathroom door.

"RIGBY!! come on open the door dude can we just talk!?!?! ...please?" i plead before hearing a sad muffled "..go away mordecai" "rigby please! ..i- i just wanna talk.. please riggs? just come to the door and crack it open we can talk through there"

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