just incase

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mordecai's pov

i pull out my phone to check the time. it's 10:29am. no wonder the park looks so empty.

earlier our form of entertainment was muscleman and fives trimming the hedges and skips cleaning the gutters. now, our only form of entertainment is each other.

i don't think anyone realizes the park is even open again. i haven't seen a single person that doesn't work here, nevermind any snackbar customers.

i look over at rigby, who seems zoned out just staring at a tree or something. i find myself starting to just admire his features.

ugh, he's so goddamn pretty.

his enormous brown eyes, with long long lashes it makes me confused how he sees sometimes. his rosy cheeks that are probably as soft as a baby's butt.

his fluffy eyebrows that just compliment his face so well, even tho they're mostly covered by his hair. his cute little button nose.

and of course, his fluffy curls that cover his eyebrows and eyes, but not completely. his hair's so soft.

i swear, we use the same shampoo and conditioner but his hair is just so much better than mine. maybe i should grow it out a little..

"hello?" rigby asks, looking directly at me with a confused face. i finally blink, and shake my head, zoning back to reality. "sorry, i zoned out for a sec there" i force a laugh as he looks as me weird. "okay.." he lightly chuckles.

"so.. it's 10:30" i tell him, raising my eyebrows and smirking. it takes him a second to get it but once he does he smiles and looks around the park. the empty park. "no wonder i haven't seen anyone in awhile" he says. i smile back at him.

"..should we close the window for a few?" i ask him, him seeming to get nervous after i said that. "so.. you're sure no one's gonna be near here?" he asks.

"you heard the jobs benson gave out, and half of them will be at lunch. i really doubt there'd be any customers. and if there is, then they'd see it's closed and just keep walking. don't worry. as long as we aren't a long time nothing should happen" i reassure him.

he thinks about it for a second then looks up at me smiling again. "you're right" we both stand up in unison and he reaches up to close the window. he shuts and locks it while i go over to the door to lock it.

once everything's closed up we immediately turn to eachother. i've been waiting to to this since everyone got home. i didn't wanna bother him last night of course, he was upset.

when we get close enough, our lips meet. i snake one arm around his waist, the other raised up to hold his cheek. his arms wrap around my neck.

about 15 seconds into the kiss, i couldn't take it. i lick his bottom lip, asking for entrance. i think it took a second for him to get it, but he accepted and slightly opened his mouth. i immediately shot my tongue into his mouth.

our tongues fought for dominance, me ultimately winning. we break apart for a second to take a breath, just to get right back at it.

i move my hand up from his cheek and it through his hair, feeling his soft curls against my fingers. eventually, my mouth moved from his, to his jawline, now lightly sucking on it.

i've been paying attention to his body language this entire time, he doesn't seem uncomfortable at all.

i move down to his neck, trying to find his sweet spot. within 10 seconds i hear a quiet "ngh, mordecai" from rigby. i immediately stop. did i go too far?

"yeah?" i look at him. he looks back at me. "i swear to fucking god, don't give me a
hickey" he says jokingly, although i know he's not joking.

i snicker at him. "don't worry i-" i look down at his neck, my smile fading. "..won't"

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