the couch

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mordecai's pov

eileen sets our food and drinks down at our table.

"thank you" me and rigby accidentally say in unison. she smiles and walks away.

as me and rigby start to eat our subs, i just watch him.

he's literally perfect.

i can't find a single imperfection within him. what took me so long to realize i like him?? i'll never know.


"hey riggs, how long did it take for you to realize you like m-"

i was cut off by a SHOE to my SHIN.

"SHH!" he shushes me, staring into my soul with wide eyes. "OW! dude that actually hurt!"

"i- ...i'm sorry. but please, don't talk about that here.. i don't want anyone to know" his face relaxes a bit, still looking worried.

"no one's eavesdropping on us at the coffee shop ?" i say, looking around.

"no.." he says quietly before gesturing over towards eileen with his eyes and eyebrows. i mouth 'o' with my mouth and nod.

i take another bite of my sub. rigby sits there still for a few before breaking the silence and asking " did i end up on the couch tuesday night?"

i almost choke on my food.

i hurry and swallow to ask "..what do you mean? you.. got up to get water ?"

"dude come on. i know when you're lying" i feel my face heat up a bit. "and there was no water to be found in the livingroom near me" he finishes his sentence.

does he know? should i just tell him..?

i look around for a few seconds before sighing and looking him in the eyes. "okay.. you're not gonna want me to tell you here tho"

a look of confusion strikes his face. "what do you mean?" he asks. "just- just wait wait 'til we're at the park, then we'll talk about it. promise" i give him a reassuring smile.

he smiles back at me and takes another bite of his sub.

time skip 1 hour

i park the cart and me and rigby step out. once we make it inside, he immediately brings up tuesday night again.

"so... the couch.." he says, sarcastically trying to be nonchalant. i smile and roll my eyes slightly.

"yeah yeah. let me take me shoes off first, we should sit"

i bend down to take them off and see his legs freeze for a second before continuing walking. i could feel the tension grow once i told him 'we should sit'

"okay...." he slips his shoes off and puts them near the door as i take longer, having to untie both of mine.

after i'm finally done i join him on the couch where he sat to wait for me. "so..." i take a deep breath.

"so?? why didn't you tell me befo-" "just listen" i cut him off.

"tuesday night.. you passed out in margaret's car on the ride home and i had to carry to your trampoline. i thought you were passed out for the night like usual. so i sat on the couch and watched tv until you came downstairs not long after. i tried getting getting your attention but, you didn't say a thing. then the next thing i knew.. you were on top of me kissing me"

he freezes. eyes wide with fear. i pause before continuing.

"after like 5-10 seconds i pushed you off and ran upstairs..." i finish explaining. his face is so red.

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