THOSE are mutual

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rigby's pov

i lay on my trampoline under the covers, like i've been doing for the past two days. it's monday morning, our last day without work.

i told mordecai my feelings friday night, it sucks we've spoken almost no words to each other since.

he ended up fleeing to his beloved margaret that night.. and slept over her house.

he got back late saturday night and just went to sleep. when i woke up saturday morning, he was gone.

i haven't seen him since, i've been going to bed early. waking up really late too. i only know he came home saturday because he dropped something that woke me up.

he wasn't in his bed when i woke up a little bit ago, he probably slept over margaret's again. ugh.

i haven't bothered to text him or anything, and only spoke to him when he told me he was going over margaret's and started packing a bag friday night.

it makes me wanna pack my own bags and leave the park.

the crew gets back later tonight, what do we tell them?!?

there's NO WAY i'm letting him tell them what i said. i'd rather straight up quit with no reasoning.

we can't work together?? all of our jobs are almost always together or a two-man job. we're gonna have to have a reason for benson.

i can't work with him, i think i'll crumble.

i've done nothing but cry and sleep the past two days.

barely getting up to go to the bathroom, and i haven't eaten a single crumb since mcdonalds.

my stomach's starting to hurt a little bit. i've gotta eat something today. plus, it's my last day of vacation right?

i should do something to make the best out of it. even tho i wanna keep sulking, i probably won't even see mordecai still so i have nothing to worry about during the day.

i probably have the house all to myself.

benson and everyone should be home around 10:00pm-10:30pm.

mordecai's pov

sitting in the coffee shop, i watch as margaret walks away to go help another customer.

i've been mostly just with her the past two days. i slept at the house but slipped out before rigby woke up.

i don't know what to say to him.

i've done alot of thinking these past couple days, like, ALOT. margaret's helped me realize, i think i'm bisexual.

i never really thought about it, just assumed i was straight. but now that i think about it...

i like both.

i was raised in a homophobic household and margaret helped me realize i have alot of internalized homophobia.

but that's okay, she's trying to help me overcome it. she's also trying to help me come to terms with her having a boyfriend.. he doesn't care that i've been staying the night tho.

i showed up at her house a mess friday night and he was there. her boyfriend's stayed there every minute i was, except for at the coffee shop.

i haven't tried to make any move. the only thing i haven't been 100% honest to margaret about is what rigby told me.

she doesn't actually know that part..

or that i think i like him back. I DON'T KNOW. one side of me thinks i'm like gaslighting myself into thinking that because i feel bad for him, but the other side of me is screaming at me to just accept it.

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