face to face

40 3 1

rigby's pov

why is mordecai acting so weird all of a sudden..? weirder than he's been lately.

like, nervous and awkward. and something tells me i didn't just 'get up to go get water' and pass out on the couch.

i don't know what, or WHY, but he started being weird after i said that. like something happened.. what the fuck happened last night?!?

i exit the bathroom with just my sweatpants on, i forgot to bring a shirt ugh.

as i reach out for our bedroom doorknob, i see the cuts on my left arm. shit. i forgot about those.

i hear mordecai in there on his phone or something. ugh. i'm gonna have to make this fast.

i open the door and quickly walk over to our closet. as fast as i can, i find and grab a random plain long sleeve and throw it on.

my heart's pounding. i thought i was good, until i close the closet door and turn around to see mordecai staring at me through his eyebrows.

i was about to say something, but he almost immediately looked down once he realized i was looking at him.

uh.. weird. okay then?? did he see them? orrr..?

i decide not to say anything. i awkwardly walk back to out bedroom door to shut it and go and sit on my trampoline.

after we both sat on our phones for a few minutes, he tossed his down on the bed and looked up at me.

"wanna go somewhere for dinner later? we don't really have much food at the house" he asks. "sure.. where?" "uhh i don't know, you can pick if you want?"

i laugh a tiny bit before responding. "well, what are you in the mood for? like what kind of food?" how am i supposed to pick?? he's the one asking ME to go to dinner.

"i mean we could to a restaurant if you want? like.. texas roadhouse sound good? benson gave me some money for food for the week, not a bunch tho, so we can't do this every night"

i swallowed. we're gonna go to a restaurant together?? sounds like.. a date. ugh we're gonna have to sit across from each other.

"wait.. why did he give you the money and not me?!?" i say, half-sarcastically offended. he laughs and responds "cause! ...benson thought you'd lose it"

i groan and roll my eyes as he laughs more. i cross my arms and ask "whatever.. when do you wanna leave" "what about like 4:30? it takes about half an hour to get there anyway" he responds.

"sure. are we like.. dressing 'nice?' ..i'm not walking in there wearing this" i look down at my oversized long sleeve t shirt and sweatpants.

he chuckles a bit. "sure, not too fancy tho. i don't wanna go all out, but yes, please, do not wear that there" he laughs more at the end of his sentence, making me join in aswell.

"i won't don't worry" i pause and look at the time ok my phone. 2:14. "wanna play video games while we wait? well, until like 4?" "sure" he says before hopping out of his bed and walking towards the door.

i watch him from the ground for a second, his hips swing when he walks.

once i realize he's almost out of the doorway, i leap up from my trampoline and catch up with him quickly.

time skip 4:00pm

as me and mordecai were playing video games, his phone suddenly goes off and i jump from the sound.

"chill dude it's just my alarm" he said, chuckling. i awkwardly laughed a bit before being interrupted by him.

"we gotta go get ready, press save on our game" he says, so i do, and we walk upstairs. he goes to the bathroom to do whatever, and i stay in our room alone.

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