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mordecai's pov

i still feel really bad about earlier. i didn't mean to upset him, he never gets upset that easily.

why has he been so open lately? i mean, not that i'm complaining. wait...

thinking back to earlier, i replay what happened at the table in my head. his face was bright red, but.. that doesn't necessarily mean it's me.

why... do i find myself disappointed?


i just don't wanna be wrong.. that's all. yeah.

i wanna be sure tho, because his reaction was suspicious either way. i'm still in what i wore to texas roadhouse, i should change...

perfect opportunity.

it's currently 8:39pm, and me and rigby have both just been sitting on our phones on our beds, him on his trampoline of course.

i put my phone down, and start walking over to our closet.

"where ya goin?" i hear from behind me. "nowhere, i'm just changing" "o-oh"

i open our closet door and start looking for clothes. i'm gonna have to change my shirt AND pants..

i grab a pair of black sweatpants and quickly slip my jeans off, replacing them with the sweats. i throw the pair of jeans in our hamper before taking off my shirt.

only after i'm shirtless, do i start to look for a top to put on.

if rigby has a thing for me, he's def gotta take a peak. just a peak, atLEAST.

i find a light blue skin tight elbow-length sleeve shirt, it's perfect.

i take my time getting it off the hanger and hanging the hanger back up. once i'm ready to put it on, i slightly turn my torso and spin my head around towards rigby.


oh shit.. i smirk a tiny bit.

he doesn't even see me looking at him, his eyes are glued to my abs.

well, here's my chance. "like what you see?" i ask him, smirking and raising my eyebrows.

he quickly snaps out of it and whips his head the other way. i chuckle a little bit. "it's okay dude" he slightly turns his head towards me.

"huh?" he acts confused. oh please. "what.. like i didn't see you staring?" i ask teasing him, smiling as i do.

he finally looks my in the eyes, turning his head completely around towards me.

"i-i wasn't staring.. i had just looked up"

his face is BEET RED.

i snicker and respond "ookay dude" before putting the shirt on.

i look back over at him, he seems zoned out, just staring at the wall.

i hope i didn't make him feel bad, but i NEEDED to know, and...

i think i got my answer.

rigby's pov

fuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuck why am i so DUMB.

i had completely zoned out STARING AT HIS FUCKING SIX-PACK.

fuck i have no clue how long he saw me staring for before he said anything. i was staring at him whenever he looked away since he had stood up.

i THOUGHT i was being sneaky, i always do this. i've never been caught before...

until now.

UUUGH. fuck i already know i'm blushing, i have been since he asked if i 'liked what i saw'.

just thinking back to the moment makes me wanna curl up in a ball and die.

he probably thinks i was staring, which i mean i WAS, but still.

he's probably creeped out.

he's gonna think i'm weird, i'm fucking disgusting. he was CHANGING what the fuck is wrong with me?!?

why the fuck can't i keep my eyes off him for five fucking seconds??

my thoughts were suddenly interrupted by a pale hand snapping fingers in my face.

i look up at mordecai, confused. "dude you okay..?" he asks me with a concerned look on his face.

i give him even more of a confused face and answer "yes??"

he just looks at me for a few seconds, eyeing me up and down. "you sure?"

i again, answer "yes???" with even more attitude in my voice. what's his problem?? my face has been blank this whole time leading up to now.

"okay.. just, you're crying you know" he says. huh.

i reach my hand up to my face. feeling wet cheeks, i realize i AM crying??

what the fuck? it's not a lot, but there are definitely tear streams.

i wipe my face, confused, not hiding my reaction one bit. "wha- dude i don't even know how that happened"

he gives me a weird look, like i'm full of shit. "i-i swear, i just zoned out i don't know"

he furrows his eyebrows a bit. "..what were you thinking about?"

shit. uhhhh. shit shit shit shit shit what do i say.

"i-i don't know, life" i say almost in a questioning tone. he narrows his eyes.

"fuck kind of excuse was that" he asked, laughing through his nostrils a bit, obviously not believing me.

"it's not an excuse! i was just thinking about, the present, i don't know! just.. everything"

he chuckles a tad and responds "oookay, whatever you say" in a sarcastic tone. he's smiling at me, looking me in the eyes.

ugh, his smile's so cute.

i feel myself start to blush, so i immediately look down.

trying to brush it off, i standup while turning towards him and say "i'm fine dude. seriously" looking up at him with a convincing smile.

i didn't even realize, i'm so close to him. when he turned towards me our bodies were inches apart.

he just stares at me for a second before smiling back. we stay like that for a few seconds, before mutually and AWKWARDLY backing apart from each other.

i nervously laugh it off and make my way to the bathroom.

the fuck was that??? why's he acting all weird??

he would never say or do those things.. and if he caught me staring, he'd probably just yell at me annoyed.

what's up with him? he's acting different. i don't know if i like it or not..

it's slightly concerning, but at the same time it's better than it has been, we're talking more than we were before.

i've been physically closer to him all week than i think i have been in my whole life.

it's nice to be honest, but nothing comes without a catch.

i have trust issues.

"i knew.." | MORBYHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin