excuse to stay up late

48 3 1

mordecai's pov

i roll over and open my eyes, being blinded by the sun shining through the bottom of the blinds. immediately looking over at rigby's trampette, i see he's back at the house.

i let out a deep breath in relief and find myself smiling a tad. i look over at the clock that reads 9:41am. ugh, we should probably get up.

wait- actually, i'm gonna let rigby sleep for a little more. just until 10. i don't know, he deserves it.

i sit up, swing my legs over the side of the bed, and look back over at rigby. he sleeps so peacefully, you would've never known he had breakdown last night.

i look down, realizing i'm still in the same clothes from yesterday. i get up and take my shirt off as i walk over to our closet to look for clothes.

rigby's pov

i wake up to some sort of noise, but i'm not sure what.

i blink open my eyes to see.. SHIRTLESS MORDECAI?? this must be a dream.

i blink a few more times before realizing, nope this is real life.

fuck fuck fuck he can't know i'm awake. he'd think i was staring at him.

i squint my eyes, still keeping them somewhat open so i can see, but they look closed.

i watch him as he looks through our closet, eventually picking out a blue long sleeve and black sweatpants. shit he's changing his pants too.. i can already feel my face heating up.


he slips on the long sleeve before reaching down to unbuckle his jeans..

i close my eyes. fuck. i'm not watching him do all that. i can't.

i really want to.. but i can't. i can't do that to him. plus, my face is probably already beet red i hope he doesn't turn around to face me.

mordecai's pov

i change my clothes finally slipping on a pair of socks and toss my dirty clothes in the hamper. i'm gonna have some cereal before i wake rigby.

i turn around and start walking back towards my bed to grab my phone, and glance over at rigby.


i look back at him. why's his face so red?? is he okay? he didn't look like that before...

he doesn't even look that peaceful anymore HA. he's probably just dreaming. whatever.

i grab my phone and make my way downstairs, still trying to be as quiet as i can, especially with the door.

rigby's pov

shit. why'd he freeze like that.

UGHHHHH he probably saw me. i hope it wasn't that noticeable. fuck.

once i hear him start going down the stairs, i sigh of relief.

realizing i'm still in my jacket and everything, i sit up and take it off. i'm even still in my shoes, i slip those off too.

making sure there's no visible blood stains, i decide my hoodie's fine to keep wearing.

these jeans on the other hand... hell no. how did i even sleep in these?? ugh.

i take them off and throw them in our hamper, before grabbing a clean pair of pajama pants and throwing those on.

my socks are fine, if we do anything today i'll probably shower beforehand anyway.

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