Chapter 4: Dance Floor

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"the girls are at a club, random person flirts with chloe, becca becomes jealous cue bathroom sex or dance floor stuff"

The dance floor was swamped. Like literally packed to capacity and for the first time in her life Beca was right out in the middle of it rather than behind the decks or sitting on a couch somewhere observing rather than taking part.

That's what dating Chloe was like though. You didn't observe, or sit things out, like ever. You took part. Come hell or high water you took part in whatever the activity was, even if it was dancing in the middle of a hormone fuelled dance floor with remixes playing that you know you could do a better job of in your sleep.

It wasn't that bad though. Chloe was a grinder. Like she really, really was a grinder and when you're her girlfriend that more often than not means you're the one getting grinded against. Even though Beca's not much of a dancer, all she really needs to do is stand there and smile while Chloe does all the work - not that it's a challenge to smile.

"Having fun?" Beca smirked, watching as Chloe came up from a hooker drop she'd done, having used the length of Beca's leg as the pole.

"I'm so glad you came out tonight!" Chloe shouted back, a drunken smile gracing her features. "Aubrey gets weirded out when I try and grind with her." She added as an afterthought.

"I can only imagine." Beca couldn't help but laugh, the image of the pristine blonde being used as a dance prop being one that satisfied her greatly. "Though hey, I'm going to the bar to get another drink, want anything?" She added, knowing that Chloe was still well able to handle her alcohol.

"Vodka and black." Chloe nodded, unwrapping her arms from Beca's waist and kissing her on the cheek before letting her disappear off into the crowd.

Beca was only a fan of clubs when she was with Chloe, so naturally made a bee line for the bar with the intent of getting back to her girlfriend as soon as possible, weaving her way back through the throngs of half-naked people within moments, a glass of vodka and black in one hand and a vodka and red bull in the other.

The sight she was met with didn't impress her in the slightest however. Chloe was in the same spot she'd left her in only now had the added company of a male companion, who was whispering relentlessly in Chloe's ear.

Even though the red head didn't look to be too into whatever the man was saying Beca couldn't help but feel a twinge of jealousy rush through her, causing her to make a beeline for her girlfriend, crashing their lips together when they met - and possibly accidently spilling her drink on the guys shirt in the process.

"I should get you to get me drinks more often." Chloe giggled once Beca pulled away reluctantly to catch her breath - the red head failing to notice the glare her girlfriend shot at the man who was now sulking in the background.

"You won't be able to get rid of me easily if assholes like that begin to swarm around you once I go." Beca commented, handing Chloe her drink before dropping both her hands to the red heads waist. "You're mine."

"I think someone's a little jealous." Chloe sung in the shorter woman's hear, downing her drink in three quick gulps, placing the cup on a table beside them before she wrapped her arms around Beca's neck.

"He's an asshole, and he was chatting you up." Beca defended.

"I think it's sexy." Chloe continued, ignoring what Beca had just said. "I think it's super sexy when my girlfriend gets jealous." She repeated, swooping down and beginning to kiss along the side of Beca's neck.

Chloe was right. Beca was jealous, and she could still see the man out of the corner of her eye leering at the back of Chloe's auburn curls. She was just drunk enough to do something about it too.

"You know what else is sexy?" Beca murmured, bringing her mouth up to Chloe's ear so she could be heard over the din of the club.

"What's that?" Chloe hummed in approval, biting her lip at the husky tone her girlfriend used.

"Sex." Beca commented; one hand beginning to massage circles in Chloe's hip as the other slid to the miniscule gap between their flush bodies, slipping down past the waistband of Chloe's skirt.

"Oh..." Chloe breathed out, moving subconsciously closer to her girlfriend as Beca began moving her fingers in frantic circles over Chloe's underwear, already feeling the thin lace material soak through. "Shit." She sighed the, grabbing the brunette by the back of the head and pulling their lips together, moulding their mouths into one and slipping her tongue in past Beca's slightly parted lips, moaning as Beca's fingers increased their pace.

The entire situation was thrilling for Beca. The openness of their location, the feeling of Chloe moan and beg against her lips, and of course the moisture on her fingers letting her know exactly how much Chloe wanted it.

She couldn't hold out much longer, pushing Chloe roughly towards a couch and straddling her once the red head sat down, making quick work of moving Chloe's lace thong to one side then before sliding a finger inside her, again using the proximity of their bodies to block the in out motion of her arm as best she could from the croud.

All the while their lips remained as one, and Beca could feel, rather than hear, Chloe's moans and pants as they began to increase against her mouth. Beca just wanted to feel the other woman lose it because of her, and almost instantly added a second finger, nothing soft or tender about the way her agile digits picked up their pace. It was around this time Chloe's head fell from Beca's face, now attaching to the DJ's neck instead, where she began to bite and nip at her skin, all the while her pants and grunts becoming increasingly sharp and needy.

Beca let her fingers find Chloe's G spot and began to curve her fingertips into it, knowing exactly how the other woman liked to be touched. She knew this would result in Chloe coming undone before long, so hadn't expected any form of retaliation from the red head, being shocked when she felt a hand slide up under her top and push her bra aside, beginning to pull and scratch at her breast, tweaking the nipple until it stood erect.

This sensation spurred Beca's hand on, and she just managed to add a third finger to Chloes wet folds, feeling her girlfriends walls clench around her fingers tighter each time they moved inside her.

She pulled Chloe's lips back up to meet her own just in time, feeling the long undulated moan press into her mouth as the orgasm screamed through the red, causing her to shudder, and grip at Beca's shoulder with her free hand for dear life.

"You..." Chloe panted, peppering Becas lips in soft kisses. "Are perfect." More kisses. "And so hot when you're jealous." Even more kisses.

"You're even hotter when you let me fuck you on a club sofa." Beca smirked, pulling her hand slyly out of her girlfriends skirt and leaning back just a little into Chloe's lap, wrapping her arms around the red heads neck and keeping their faces close.

"I'm definitely taking you clubbing again." Chloe nodded, a smirk playing across her face as she pulled Beca in for another kiss.

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