Chapter 13: Pool Table

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"You look like you're about to pull out disinfectant." Beca commented, watching her girlfriend as she stepped awkwardly through the bar the brunette had taken her to.

"Only because this place looks like it'd need it." Chloe sniffed, trying her best not to sound stuck up but failing anyway as she glanced sceptically at the bar stool she was about to sit on, as if expecting a rat to crawl out from under the cushion.

"You sound like Aubrey." Beca complained, rolling her eyes at the red head as she went to the bar to order them both drinks.

"Oh please, if you were to try and take Aubrey to a place like this she'd have fainted before she'd even gotten both feet across the threshold." Chloe snorted once Beca came back and handed her a vodka and orange.

"True that." Beca chuckled, nodding her head in agreement. "Well how about we play pool then?" She questioned after taking a sip of her own vodka and red bull.

"There's no pool table in here." Chloe pointed out, motioning around the pokey room. "I mean I know the lightings awful, but I doubt they could hide it in a corner."

"It's in the next room." Beca informed her with another roll of her eyes, grabbing her girlfriends hand and pulling her from the seat. "Just come on and try not to be too cynical... there's not even pervy old men in the pool room." She added as they walked, sure enough leading her girlfriend into an empty back room containing nothing but an antique pool table that looked surprisingly clean in comparison to the rest of the room which was coated in a fine layer of dust.

"Impressive..." Chloe nodded, seeming genuinely intrigued by the centrepiece of the room as she walked around it. "It looks like it's been preserved."

"I've been coming to this place since I was sixteen." Beca began to fill her in. "Every time I was forced to come visit dad and Sheila I'd sneak out and this was the only place in town that never checked ID's. The barman's brother gave me my first tattoo actually." She reminisced. "But anyway yea, they were going to knock this place through because no one ever played pool but I swore I'd keep the table in good condition as long as they kept it... so they did, and now I clean it once a week."

"You're full of secrets Beca Mitchell." Chloe laughed, walking back round the table to her girlfriend and wrapping her arms around her waist to pull her in for a lingering kiss. "I don't suppose you want to show me how to play then, do you?" She added with a smile once she drew back.

"How can toy not play pool?" Beca queried, face scrunching in confusion.

"Not all of us hung around bars growing up." Chloe pointed out with a smirk, pulling back from Beca's embrace as she walked across the room to pick up two pool cues. "Now I presume we use these, but that's just about the extent of my knowledge."

It took two attempts to show Chloe how to correctly set up the balls and a further three attempts to demonstrate which was the correct way to hold the cue stick. After that it was only the small battle of getting her to hit the other balls with the white one - because yes, that's literally how Beca had to explain it to her.

"Chloe, what're you doing?!" Beca gasped, having turned round momentarily to take a sip of her drink only for the red head to have clamoured up to sit on the table.

"I couldn't reach the white ball." Chloe replied innocently watching as Beca walked towards her.

"That doesn't mean you sit on the table." Beca laughed, coming to stand between her girlfriends legs.

"Face it Beca, I'm just no good at this game." Chloe gave a defeated sigh, wrapping her legs around her girlfriends waist to pull her closer and draping her arms around her neck. "I do however know something else we could be doing on this table." She added with a sultry grin.

"No." Beca reprimanded firmly, trying to pull away to no avail.

"You won't be saying that for long." Chloe husked, leaning down to trail her tongue along the shell of Beca's ear. "You never could resist my charm." She added, smirking when she heard the brunette groan softly.

Before she knew it Beca had pulled their faces together and was kissing her hard, the smaller woman's tongue running along Chloe's lips and teeth, teasing her as the red head slid her hands under the brunette's top and moved them slowly up her stomach towards her bra, beginning to knead at her breasts through the lace material.

Beca moaned and bit down hard on Chloe's lip, causing the other woman to whimper as the DJ's long fingers moved to the button of Chloe's jeans, undoing it quickly and pushing the denim material down her thighs and over her knees until the garment hung awkwardly at her ankles.

Without warning Beca began to feel her girlfriend through the material of her underwear, rubbing quick circles that caused the cotton material to dampen as Chloe became more and more turned on.

Chloe whimpered softly into Beca's mouth and was left momentarily shocked when the brunette pulled away from their kiss, smiling wickedly at the red head before getting down on her knees and pushing Chloe's underwear out of the way with the hand that had previously been pleasuring her.

The touch of her tongue was electrifying, and Chloe found herself falling back onto the pool table as Beca ran it up and down the length of Chloe's clit, licking softly at her wet folds and sucking on her tender bud when she reached it.

She kept this up as Chloe's groans increased in volume and intensity, finally allowing her tongue to slip briefly inside Chloe and swirl around for a moment before withdrawing it teasingly, smiling into the red heads wetness as Chloe let out a small whining sound at the loss of the pleasure.

It wasn't long before she felt two hands tangle in her brown hair and push her face closer to Chloe's core. She placed light kisses along her cunt, tasting Chloe's juices as she did so. Finally she slipped her tongue inside her partner again, pushing it deeper this time and allowing two of her fingers to join it, swirling her tongue as she curled her fingers into Chloe's walls.

The red heads grip on Beca's hair loosened as she fell back onto the pool table, her body beginning to vibrate with pleasure as her hips arched into the brunette's mouth and Beca continued a rapid in out movement of her fingers, her tongue alternating between sliding along with the nimble digits and licking up the length of Chloe's clit to her bundle of nerves and back again.

Chloe felt herself lose control as Beca's fingers hit her G spot hard and fast, and without even fully realizing it she let out a moan of pleasure that seemed never to end, orgasm now rushing through her body, Beca's tongue continuing to pleasure her as she rode out her high.

It wasn't until she opened her eyes again into the blinding light that shone down on the pool table that Chloe came back to her senses and allowed herself to be pulled back into a sitting position by Beca, who was in the process of pulling her underwear and jeans back up Chloe's legs. She watched for a moment, before pulling the brunette in for a tender kiss, running her tongue along Beca's lips to taste herself.

"So good." She mumbled, pulling away to lick her own lips then as a soft smile spread across her face.

"Just remember it was worth it after I make you set up the table again." Beca quipped then, a smirk playing across her face as she nodded her head to where her girlfriend had knocked the balls in all directions while lying sprawled on the green carpet.

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