Chapter 7: Tickling

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"She's such a tyrannical bitch." Beca spat, storming from the practice hall with Chloe hot on her heels.

"Okay I know you're pissed at her, but that's my best friend you're talking about." Chloe snapped, finally catching up to the shorter woman as she stormed across the quad towards her dorm building.

"I don't care who she is, she has no right to continually ridicule me on the way I look just because it doesn't fit her fucking social norm." Beca spat, feeling her anger bubble - she'd not even asked Chloe to follow her.

"I know, I know." Chloe sighed, not even knowing how to try and defend the blonde for the sheer quantity of unnecessary jabs she made at Beca's tattoos and piercings. "Just know she does it from a place of... of wanting to be perfect. I mean you know you're exactly the kind of thing her father would hate."

"Are you saying I should try and please Aubrey's dad now?" Beca questioned, a slight smirk playing at her lips at the ridiculousness of the claim in spite of her foul mood as they slowed their brisk pace, now nearing Beca's door.

"Well then you'd need to get rid of them ear monstrosities." Chloe teased.

"You bitch!" Beca gasped, turning to slap her friend lightly on the arm.

"You're smiling though." Chloe pointed out. "You can't be that mad at me!"

"I smile when I'm really pissed off." Beca shot back easily, stopping when they reached her bedroom door. "It's a flaw to my otherwise perfect personality."

"Perfect's so not the word I'd use." Chloe snickered, stopping at the brunettes side. "I am however glad to see I've managed to calm you down..." She added as a happy afterthought.

"Not much... I'm just conserving my rage so I can scream at her tomorrow." Beca explained, turning then to unlock the room door.

"We'll see about that." Chloe grinned, reaching for Beca's waist when the other woman's back was turned and beginning to run her hands up and down the brunette's sides, causing her to let out an almighty shriek.

"C-C-Chloe!" Beca gasped as the red heads fingers continued mercilessly, slipping easily under Beca's t-shirt to continue their assault. "Wha-What are you doing?!"

"I'm unleashing all that pent up aggression in the form of tickling." The red head stated, as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.

"Well stop! Stop!" Beca screeched, turning on the spot to try and push her friend away.

She hadn't been anticipating how close their faces would be though. The proximity was startling in fact, and was made even more compromising when Beca tried to push the red head off her, only to have Chloe sway a little and fall in closer still to the DJ's face, both women now able to feel the others breath against their skin.

It took Beca a second to realize she was no longer thrashing, no longer being tickled in fact. In the split second that Chloe ceased her actions, choosing instead to let her palms rest against Beca's hips, time almost stood still, their eyes locking and both women knowing that there was no way out of the situation other than to...

Their lips met softly at first though the tenderness didn't last long, a desire being realized in both of them that coupled with Beca's still present anger caused the kiss do intensify instantly, tongues clashing and teeth crazing as they fought for dominance, Chloe's hands running up and down under Beca's top again as the DJ let hers become tangled in Chloe's hair, alternating between tugging at it and pushing their faces closer together.

Neither was sure how they managed to reach the other side of Beca's door, though both knew that the bed was too far to go, Chloe slamming the flimsy wooden frame shut and instantly getting pushed up against it, her back slamming against the solid surface causing her to grunt into Beca's mouth.

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