Chapter 20: Valentine

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"Okay Amy one more stop then we're done." Beca informed the blonde that was trailing along behind her dressed as an angel.

"Uh... I beg to differ my aca-midget-amigo. I'm all out of songs to sing." Fat Amy commented in obvious confusion.

"This one wasn't really a request..." Beca tried to explain as she continued to lead them towards their destination. "This is more of a personal favour." She added, trying not to cringe at how needy she sounded.

"Oh-hoh, now I'm interested." Amy stated gleefully, happily following Beca now. "Who we serenading? Who you hoping to woo?" She began rattling off questions, causing Beca to roll her eyes as she insisted on ignoring them.

"Oh my god.... Amy you'll find out in literally thirty seconds." Beca laughed as they rounded the corner of the corridor they were on.

"Oh okay, this is where Chloe and Aubrey stay." Fat Amy seemed to get into the detective mind set. "What bangable dudes do we know here." She mused, seeming to list off men in her head.

"What if I said it wasn't a dude?" Beca rolled her eyes again, continuing to walk as she only half listened to Amy's thoughts.

"My cousin was the only lesbian in Tasmania... Well, aside from her girlfriend." Amy stated, as if this was obvious conformation that she was cool with Beca being gay. "Well the only girls on this corridor are... Oh. My. God. You're banging Aubrey!" She gasped suddenly, stopping dead at her own realization.

"What... I... NO!" Beca spluttered jaw going slack. "No, god, no." She sighed then. "I'm dating Chloe... Note the use of the word dating by the way; I'm not just banging her."

"Well, well, well." Amy hummed, obviously pleased with the discovery.

"Yea, we can talk about it some other time though." Beca sighed, finally reaching her intended door. "Right now I need you to give me a beat for Titanium and then you know..." She trailed off awkwardly.

"Leave so you two can get it on like the nasty little sex bunnies you are?" Amy sniggered.

"Oh my god..." Beca sighed, trying her best to rid the image from her mind before knocking on the door.

Chloe was in jeans and a t-shirt when she answered, obviously not having expected a song-o-gram at all. She didn't even get a change to voice her confusion as to what the pair were doing outside her door before Amy began to sing.

Her frown fell to be replaced with a grin when Beca sung Titanium. She would have joined in only for the fact it was over almost as soon as it began and she felt herself shot in the thigh with one of the giant arrows Beca was carrying.

"This is your official Valentine's song-o-gram ma'am, any questions?" Beca smirked as Fat Amy edged away from the pair silently and subtly.

"You made such a substantial effort to dress up." Chloe snorted, taking a good look at Beca's costume.

"I figure zip up hoodies are easier to remove." Beca smirked, taking a bold step towards the red head.

"Well, well, well, someone's confident." Chloe commented, reaching over the brunettes shoulder to close the door before allowing her arms to drape around Beca's neck.

"It's Valentine's Day... I figure now's just as good a time as any to be seductive." Beca pointed out her own hands resting against the curve of Chloe's hip, her fingers rotating there in small circles.

"God it turns me on so much when you're confident like this." Chloe sucked in her bottom lip, her voice having dropped seductively as her pupils dilated.

"Well then sit down, because you're about to get a show." Beca husked, guiding Chloe backwards towards her bed and pushing her down lightly to straddle her waist.

Their lips met instantly, both women smiling softly at the contact. Beca's tongue quickly traced Chloe's upper lip, and the red head obliged, parting her lips slightly to allow Beca's tongue to meet hers. The kiss grew more passionate as their tongues slid together and before long their hands began to explore one another's bodies.

They pushed away one another's tops and while Chloe's mouth blazed a trail from Beca's lips down to the side of her neck Beca chose to make quick work of the red head's lace bra. She unhooked it easily and allowed it to slip off her partners shoulders, taking a moment then to admire Chloe's ample breast before reaching out to knead one with her hand.

Her mouth swooped down next to lick and bite at Chloe's nipples and she swapped her mouth and hand periodically, while the red head withered and moaned above her. At the same time she slid one of her hands between Chloe's still trousered legs, pushing it up without warning into the red head's groin, holding beginning to rock it back and forwards, creating friction that Chloe buckled her hips towards.

Beca smirked as she heard Chloe's breath catch in her throat and worked the palm of her hand faster into the seam of Chloe's jeans. Chloe's hand soon found its way to Beca's wrist, the red head wrapping her fingers around it and pushing her partners hand yet further into her jeans, a low whimper escaping as she silently begged for more.

Beca obliged, pulling down Chloe's trousers until they fell to the bottom of the bed. From there she let her figners trail lazily back up the length of Chloe's leg and inner thigh, circling around her girlfriends clit until Chloe's whimpers turned to frustrated gasps.

She then allowed her fingers to run through Chloe's slick folds, teasing gently before swirling them in her bundle of nerves. She pushed down with her index and forefinger causing Chloe to cry out before she trailed the same to digits back town Chloe's cunt to her core.

By then Beca could feel her own longing build between her legs as she finally slid two fingers into Chloe, working them in and out of the other woman as hard as she could, feeling Chloe bite down on her shoulder to muffle a cry.

While Beca's fingers continued to move, twisting and curling against Chloe's walls as they slid in and out, the red heads hands moved to the hem of Beca's jeans, pushing them down roughly until Beca was able to free herself from them completely.

Chloe's fingers slid into her easily and the pair built a rapid rhythm. Chloe's mouth came up to bite and suck on Beca's erect nipples, causing the brunette's back to arch down further onto Chloe's fingers and her pace to accelerate.

Beca could feel Chloe begin to tense around her fingers, and she quickened her pace, pushing into Chloe with even more than before. It didn't take much more for the red heads body to tense up and shudder violently as an orgasm ripped through her, Beca's name falling from her lips in among gasps and screams.

The sound of her name on Chloe's lips along with the way Chloe's fingers continued to move erratically inside her was all it took Beca to fall right after her. Her orgasm coming out in ragged breaths and throaty screams she tried to muffle in Chloe's shoulder to no avail.

"Happy Valentine's day Chlo'." Beca muttered a few minutes later, both of them just having regained a stable heartbeat.

"Did you tell Amy why you were singing to me earlier?" Chloe questioned instead, seeming curious as her hand casually ran through Beca's hair.

"Well I kind of had to for her to help me out." Beca informed her. "Why? You don't mind people knowing, do you?" She thought then, never having considered that Chloe would have a problem with people knowing about them.

"No, the opposite actually. I want people to know we're dating, I wasn't sure you did." The red head laughed, placing a kiss on Beca's temple.

"Well hey, I've told Amy now, which a more effective way of spreading news than shouting it from the roof tops." Beca joked, sliding herself off Chloe and wrapping herself into the red heads side then, allowing her eyes to close as she rested on her girlfriends chest.

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