Chapter 26: Lady Jams

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Beca drawing out sex with Chloe for as long as possible.

Beca walks in on Chloe "lady jamming" (or vice versa).

Chloe's mother had always told her "something worth having won't come to you. You have to go to it." Granted, she'd been talking about the Glee Club in Chloe's middle school when the red head had been too afraid to showcase her voice, but Chloe had always thought it was solid advice, and had taken it on as her mantra of sorts.

It's how she became friends with Aubrey, how she'd nabbed herself a place in the Bellas, and how she'd managed to get Beca to audition.

There was one more thing left on her wish list now; the same brunette she'd cornered in a shower a few weeks ago. Sure, getting her to audition had been fulfilling part of that wish, but Chloe was after something more with Beca. Something she wasn't afraid to admit she'd felt pool between her legs the very first time she'd laid eyes on the other woman as she'd mopped about at the activities fair.

Chloe'd always had a pretty awesome gaydar as well, so she had a confident air to her as she wandered down the corridor of Beca's dorm, checking the number on each door until she found the right one.

A smile curled her lips when she came to a halt. She heard the heavy base of Titanium seep out from under the crack of the door. It was like a sign that good things were to come. Not once as Chloe pushed the door open (without knocking of course) did she stop to consider for a second just why Titanium may be playing.

She didn't even notice it straight away, her eyes taking a second to scan the dorm room and land on the figure of Beca. The brunette lay flat on her back with her hair sprawled out on her pillow, eyes shut tight, and lips forming a small "o".

It was the brunettes hand that Chloe noticed though. She followed Beca's taught limb with her eyes as it ran down the length of her flat abdomen which was exposed where her t-shirt had been rolled up. Her wrist seemed to disappear between Beca's legs then, which were bent at the knee as the DJ's jeans lay limp at her ankles.

Chloe didn't need to use her imagination to figure out what the brunette was doing though. She watched on in wonder as Beca continued, oblivious to the intrusion as she seemed lost in the moment.

The muscles in her arm flexed each time she pushed two fingers in deeper to her core. Her eyebrow knit together as slow moans escaped her parted lips each time her fingers curled into her wall. Her hips rocked to the gentle rhythm she'd created, each slow, deliberate thrust coming up to meet her delicate fingers.

Chloe knew she should turn away, try and sneak out before Beca's eyes opened, but she couldn't. She couldn't bring herself to avert her gaze as the song picked up and Beca's hand and hips sped up to meet the increasingly rapid pace.

Chloe felt wetness pool between her own legs as the song built. She bit down on her lip to supress a moan, knowing exactly what Beca was feeling as the brunette's hips began to lift off the bed sheets to meet her eager fingers. The DJ's breaths were nothing more than short gasps now, and Chloe felt her own core throb with desire as Beca began to unravel.

As the song reached its climax so too did Beca. Chloe's jaw hung slack as the brunettes hips jutted up once more and a guttural grunt fell from her parted lips followed by several sharp breaths.

Still the red head couldn't bring herself to leave. She instead watched as Beca's hips lowered slowly back to the sheets beneath her and her hand moved back up from her cunt. Her fingers traced delicately over her exposed stomach, and a satisfied grin spread across her face.

What happened next seemed to be in slow motion. Beca's eyes open, and in a split second they'd met Chloe's. Both women were paralyzed, neither being able to form words in their mouth, instead allowing their eyes to speak for them as they went wide in horror.

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