Chapter 21: The Cinema

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Chloe drags Beca to see some chick flick at the movie theater. All though Beca doesn't want to go she soon becomes interested when Chloe's head is between her legs going down on her in the middle of the movie. Beca wants more and drags her up to the projection room and they get it on.

"You suck." Beca sighed, trying to resist against the hand that was dragging her across the row of seats in the theatre. "You really suck."

"You don't really mean that." Chloe laughed over her shoulder, continuing until they reached the two most secluded seats in the theatre.

"You're taking me on a date to the movies... wanna re-think whether or not I mean what I say." Beca huffed, feeling herself get pushed into the padded fold out theatre seat.

"Would you shush." Chloe rolled her eyes, sitting next to Beca in the otherwise empty aisle. "It took me so long to get you out of the car the film's already starting. Just pretend to enjoy it okay? I swear it's good." She added with a smile.

"I'll be the judge of that..." Beca muttered, falling silent as the credits rolled and Chloe nudged her roughly in the ribs.

Beca didn't stay silent though. She couldn't help it. It was a chick flick. No, it was the chick flick. It was as if every predictable cinematic event in the history of modern film had been thrown into the one production. Girl means boy. Girl doesn't like boy at the start but boy slowly wins her over using charm that at the beginning has ulterior motive. Boy realizes he actually loves girl. Girl finds out about ulterior motive and dumps boy. Boy wins her back in the end.

They were at the part where boy realizes he actually loves the girl when Chloe finally got sick of Beca's snide comments and sarcastic jokes.

"What do I have to do to get you to stop?" Chloe pleaded as Beca made yet another audible note on how generic that scene had been.

"End this film." Was the DJ's blunt response as she turned to her girlfriends with a bemused smirk.

"Your demands are so realistic." Chloe quipped. "Just please stay quiet... please?" She begged.

"I'm trying! But I mean come on... that guy is actually saying "I can't live without you" to her. Like how do you expect me to keep quiet over that?" Beca insisted. "I mean I need some kind of distraction or else I'm going to have to start public protests against this film."

"What kind of distraction do you..." Chloe began, stopping dead in her tracks as she obviously had an idea. "You really want a distraction?" She mused, turning back to face the screen as she spoke.

"Well... I..." Beca wasn't sure how to respond. "I was kidding... but I mean... Oh!" She inhaled sharply as Chloe's hand closed in around her crotch, grabbing at Beca's jeans so her fingers dug into the material.

"Just face the screen and let me distract you." Chloe whispered, smirking at her girlfriend before unbuttoning the brunettes jeans.

She glanced around them once more quickly to ensure they were in fact alone in the aisle before sliding off her seat onto her knees. Once there she positioned herself between Beca's legs. She pulled lightly at the jeans, waiting until her girlfriend lifted herself from the seat before sliding them off until they lay along with Beca's underwear around her ankles.

Chloe kissed her way up along Beca's inner thigh, taking her time to drag her lips across every inch of the milky skin. She savoured the feeling of Beca wither against her delicate touch, smirking when she allowed her nose to graze over Beca's core before kissing back down her other thigh towards her knee, causing the brunette to groan softly.

She pulled her head away then, looking up to meet Beca's eye as she allowed her finger tips to trace softly along the DJ's inner thigh. Beca bit down hard on her lip as she struggled not to shout out in frustration, looking down into Chloe's baby blue eyes and pleading silently for the red head to touch her.

Chloe smirked, aware that her plan for silence was working as she bent her head again, exhaling deeply over Beca's core as she ran her fingers up through the brunettes slick folds teasingly.

She allowed her fingertips to rub at the DJ's bundle of nerves before sweeping them back down across her core. She heard Beca's muffled whimper and took this as her queue, closing the final gap between her lips and Beca's cunt as she extended her tongue and allowed it to swirl around Beca's clit.

She felt the way Beca tensed when her tongue made contact with the brunette's sensitive skin and this only spurred her on further. She sucked Beca's nub into her mouth, licking it and the skin around it until she felt the DJ's thighs close in around her head, only then releasing it and trailing her tongue down along the same path her fingers had taken through Beca's wet folds.

She could hear Beca struggle to control her breathing, and noticed out of the corner of her eye the way her girlfriends knuckles were gripping desperately to the arm rests in an attempt to keep still. With this in mind Chloe allowed her tongue to dart in and out of Beca quickly. She felt the way Beca's thighs tensed even further around her head as one hand came on instinct to push Chloe's head closer to her core.

Chloe revelled in the feeling of Beca's desperation, but was at the same time aware of how public a setting they were in, even if the theatre was relatively empty. She chose then to finish the younger woman off, inserting two fingers quickly to Beca as her tongue glided back up to the brunette's bundle of nerves and pushed into the sensitive area as her finger pushed into her cunt.

Beca groaned stiffly, trying her best to pass it off in the least sexual way possible as Chloe's expert digits twisted inside, her curling down hard to hit her G-spot before slipping out and back in again to do the same. At the same time the red heads tongue moved back down and Chloe pushed it in along with her fingers, indulging herself in the way Beca's walls clenched around her.

She knew the brunette was close now, so Chloe gave one final hard thrust as Beca's hips buckled out to meet her fingers and mouth.

Beca shook violently as the orgasm ripped through her, a pitchy squeak passing the DJ's lips as she tried to supress the scream building up inside her. She rode out her high with Chloe still between her legs, and once she regained her composer pulled the red head up until their faces were level.

"You bitch." She whispered, her breathing still strained.

"I kept you silent didn't I." Chloe shot back with an innocent smile.

"Just about!" Beca hissed, feeling a blush creep onto her cheeks as she remembered how public a location they were in, quickly reaching down past her girlfriends body to pull back up her jeans.

"You love me really." Chloe winked, slipping nonchalantly back into her own seat as Beca readjusted herself.

"I'd say it's fallen to a mild distain now." Beca teased, shaking her head as she once again caught her girlfriends eye. "I prefer my films original and my sex private..." She added in a low grumble.

"And there was me thinking I was broadening your horizons." Chloe chuckled, leaning in and kissing the brunette quickly before turning her attention back to the last few scenes of the film.

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