Chapter 5: Exhibitionist

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Beca finds out that Chloe is an exhibitionist with a taste for public sex after she jumps the other several times when out on dates.

Beca hummed what she knew would probably turn into her next remix as she walked back from the library - because apparently she was the first person in history to be failing philosophy, and even she found that embarrassing.

It wasn't that late, so even though she was in a pretty secluded area - because it was a university, what the hell would people be doing around a library? - she wasn't surprised when she heard footsteps approaching her from behind. What did shock her though was when these steps began to pick up pace. What shocked her even more was when the steps broke out into a run.

She didn't have time to react though. She barely had time to panic before a body was pressed against her back and a hand covered her mouth and nose, whoever it was slowly beginning to drag her to the patch of semi secluded greenery at the side of the library.

She knew what was going to happen. She'd heard about it in the news often enough. She was just going to be another one of those girls stabbed and left for dead. Her attacker eased her onto the patch of damp grass behind a shrub bush, their ginger hair coming into view as they... wait. Ginger hair? Long auburn curls falling in Beca's face as a pair of crystal clear blue eyes approached her.

"Chloe!" Beca hissed when the other woman pulled her hand away from her face. "What the actual fuck?" She snapped, trying to sit up only to find the red head had taken it upon herself to straddle Beca, keeping her pinned to the earth.

"I missed you." Chloe whined, swooping her head down to draw her words out across the shell of Beca's ear. "You suddenly wanting to pass exams really sucks."

"Why's that?" Beca chuckled, resting her hands casually on Chloe's thighs, figuring they'd be here for a while at least.

"Because..." Chloe whispered, dragging her lips down the side of Beca's jaw "Then I don't get to do this." She explained, connecting their mouths then and kissing her girlfriend hard, nipping and sucking at Beca's lips to elicit a moan of pleasure from the brunette.

"Chlo'." Beca moaned; breaking their lips apart as the red heads hands began to roam along Beca's sides. "We're in public... what are you doing."

"It's half the fun..." Chloe murmured teasingly, her words tickling Beca's skin as she slipped her hands under her girlfriends top, bunching the material up over Beca's bra so she was able to properly work the brunettes breasts, teasing the nipples with her fingers, first though the bra, then moving the material aside to roll them in her fingers until they stood erect.

"Fuck, Chloe." Beca whimpered, her partner having brought her thigh between Beca's legs at the same time, beginning to slide her leg up and down against Beca's crotch to create friction as she continued to knead at the young woman's chest.

"I'm going to presume that was a request." Chloe smirked, pulling away from Beca just enough to wriggle out of her trousers and pants, beginning to undress her girlfriend in a similar fashion.

"Chloe what are you doing?!" Beca hissed, no amount of pleasure she was feeling being able to take away from the fact that her girlfriend was getting them both naked in a very public spot. "Would slipping your hand down my trousers not just do the job?"

She didn't get a reply though. Instead Chloe repositioned herself, bringing her own clit down to rest on Beca's.

"Oh..." Beca moaned softly as her girlfriend began to rock her body in a clockwise motion, grinding down hard into Beca's cunt. "Oh fuck..." Beca moaned a little louder this time, jutting her own hips up and moving them in time to Chloe's circles, maximising her pleasure.

A throaty groan escaped the read head as she pushed down further against Beca's clit, one hand reaching up again to Beca's chest, her nails tearing down along the brunettes milky flesh from the valley of her breasts right to her navel.

It was something about how public they were, how they could be caught at any time, fucking so openly for the world to see. It thrilled Chloe to know that every scream or moan that came from either of their mouths could be overheard. It got her excited in a way that scissoring just couldn't fully express.

The hand that had scrapped Beca moved down past the brunettes navel, beginning to stroke the exposed skin of Beca's cunt, adding to the DJ's pleasure. Eventually Chloe managed to push two of her fingers in between their groins, finding that as she teased her fingertips along Beca's wet folds, causing her partner to release a strangled cry, her own bent knuckles doubled the sensation she was feeling.

"Just. Fuck. Me." Beca managed to wheeze out between a clenched jaw, trying her hardest not to scream as one of her own hands grabbed Chloe by the waist and the other joined her girlfriends at their clits, beginning to stroke the length of her girlfriends folds.

Chloe let out an undulated moan at the sensation, sliding two fingers inside her girlfriend as per her request and beginning to twist them in and out, all the while trying to keep up the motion of their hips, even as Beca slid her own two fingers into Chloe, the pair then working in tandem to get one another off.

The way their clits rubbed together as their fingers quickened their pace was electrifying, and when Beca came Chloe swore she'd never heard her girlfriend come louder, the scream seeming to roar up from the pit of the petite woman's stomach, passing her lips before she had a chance to stop it.

Chloe wasn't far behind either, Becas hips bucking one final time causing her fingers to be pushed into deeper to Chloe's cunt, causing the red head to come tumbling over the edge, a satisfied scream rolling off her tongue as she collapsed on top of her girlfriend.

"Wow..." Beca panted, making no immediate effort to cover up as she lay holding Chloe on top of her.

"Wow." Chloe agreed, kissing the side of Beca's neck softly.

"I've never been more excited that my girlfriend's an exhibitionist."

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