Chapter 25: Aubrey

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Beca and Chloe giggled hysterically as they crashed through the door of the first room they could find, being sure to lock the door behind them. They'd been sleeping together for a while now, nothing serious, just for some fun at parties or if either of them were bored.

This time it seemed to be a combination of the two. The party was dead and they needed some fun. They were both also pretty far gone in the sober stakes, so that worked in their favour as well.

Chloe's lips were attached firmly to Beca's neck as the shorter woman pulled desperately at the hem of Chloe's dress, intent on getting it off her before she was shoved roughly onto the mattress, both woman ignoring what they could have sworn was a grunt as they continued to undress one another while maintaining their blazing trail of kisses.

"What the hell guys." Came a sudden whine from the bed beside them, causing them to cease their actions almost instantly - though Beca did continue to trail her fingers closer and closer to Chloe's core teasingly.

"... Aubrey?" Chloe giggled, her drunken haze causing her to forget momentarily that she and Beca were both naked and should be finding this situation uncomfortable rather than amusing.

"Chloe?" Aubrey's words were slurred, and it wasn't hard to tell she'd come in here to sleep off the alcohol she'd consumed. "... Beca?"

"Yea, we were uh... we were just talking." Chloe couldn't help but giggle at how blatant their lie was. "We like to talk naked." She added.

Before Aubrey had a chance to reply Beca's fingers slid across Chloe's cunt, running down through her folds causing the red head to gasp loudly. Chloe instantly made a move to retaliate, though in the dark, and with her alcohol clouded mind her hand missed as it made a move for Beca's clit. Instead it slid unknowingly up Aubrey's short skirt; the first clue Chloe got being the feeling of Aubrey's fabric underwear and the gasp that passed the blondes lips.

"Oh my god..." Aubrey gasped, a shock running through her at the sudden contact.

There was a tense silence that filled the room for a moment when all three women just realized what had happened. Chloe and Beca both went still as they waited for Aubrey to shout at them, but it never came.

"That felt good..." The blondes reply was unexpected to say the least.

"What...?" Beca was dumbfounded, but also turned on by the way Aubrey's voice had suddenly deepened.

"Do it again." Aubrey's voice was a whisper, yet the demand was obvious.

Chloe complied instantly. Her hand trailed back up the inside of Aubrey's thigh, deliberately this time, watching in the dim light for the blonde's reaction. This time she allowed her knuckles to graze across the surface of Aubrey's underwear, her eyebrow quirking when she felt how wet the blonde had become.

"You want this, don't you?" Chloe husked, unable to refrain from biting down on her lip at just how much it turned her on.

"Yea..." The nod of Aubrey's head was quick. "If that's okay?"

Chloe and Beca both glanced quickly at one another. Neither of them were sure what they had yet, but knew somewhere in the back of their minds that in the long run this wouldn't change much. Everyone experimented in college anyway.

"Only if you're sure." Beca agreed first, knowing from the way Chloe smiled at her that the red head was just as okay with it as she was.

"I am." Another nod of Aubrey's head.

"Cool." Beca purred, wasting no time then in leaning forward and kissing her hard on the lips.

Their tongues danced and fought for dominance as one of Beca's hand slid clumsily under Aubrey's top, grabbing her breast and kneading it. Meanwhile Chloe kept her hand at Aubrey's core, trailing her fingers teasingly over the material of her underwear a few times before finally pulling the garment down her legs, followed instantly by her skirt.

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