Chapter 1: The Death Of A God

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There was one Universe that was unlike any other.

In the infinite expanse of the Multiverse, not a single one had guidance or someone controlling it.

Except for one.

A single God who made sure the Universe stayed intact. Kept it together, preventing any destruction.

He sat on his throne, staring out at his lifeless Universe.

There were millions of stars that twinkled in what looked like an endless sky. Around them, a few hundred or so planets that sat lifeless and cold.

The throne sat inside a monument. A pantheon that was wide open with the white pillars only slightly obscuring the beautiful, peaceful sky around him.

The pantheon sat on the precipice of a golden mountain, which floated aimlessly in a plane of existence that was impossible to explain.

Outside of reality, yet not fantasy either.

They were outside of the Universe, but not in the Multiverse either.

A strange area of space trapped between two realities, yet just as real all the same.

Waterfalls dropped down and disappeared into nothingness. Water flowed free, seeming to just disappear.

The man sitting on his throne sat proud and stoic, staring out while gripping the arm rests.


He coughed violently, putting his fist to his mouth as small drops of blood covered his flesh.

As he sat, another being appeared with massive wings stretched out from their back, lined along their shoulder blades in perfect symmetry. They wore golden Roman Centurion like armor all over their body, only their muscular biceps and thighs exposed, like it even mattered.

They were the only signs of life that existed in this Universe.

"Father, we...are you alright?" They asked as they ran over.

"I am fine, my Son. Why have you come here?" The being sitting down asked as they slowly rose to their feet, their legs shaking as they walked very slowly. He was attempting to keep himself looking strong and powerful, putting his arms behind his back in order to both spread his chest out while also hiding the fact that his arms were shaking. His hands clasped each other as tightly as they could while he forced any more coughs to stay down in his gut.

They made their way to a large hole in the floor, staring down at the Universe they were watching over. It floated peacefully, while other beings with wings extending from their backs were flying around.

It was like they were watching over the worlds, even if nothing was happening.

That was until life seemed like it began to form on one planet.

One of the beings made their way down, landing on the planet before staring up at God and the one next to him.

God nodded, the being sighing and stabbing their sword through the forming life, preventing it from existing.

"Two galaxies will be colliding at any moment. I need my Brothers and Sisters to prevent total destruction." He said.

The being coughed again as they reached their bloody hand out from their back.

The hole suddenly began to move around and zoomed in on two spiral galaxies that were racing towards each other. The arms were extending out and touching with billions of mountains of dust smashing together.

"Was it destined to happen?" The being asked, looking over at the winged man, whose face was conflicted.

He wiped the blood away from his hand, which rubbed into his skin and left very subtle staining.

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