Chapter 8: The Leviathan

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The Being was floating on the edge of the world.

He attempted to move closer to the beast approaching him, but he felt a strange force keeping him back. An invisible wall that kept him close to his world.

His eyes went wide in fear as he tried to push harder, but the force only pushed him back.
" can't be." He whispered to himself.

He stared back into the face of the massive, near infinite Leviathan.

It was approaching faster and faster with its eyes full of nothing but pure hunger and rage.

A massive serpent dragon creature that was shooting across the Universe, their body so large it was impossible to see it all.

The Being stared at the massive monster.

Their face was obviously full of fear, even if the only facial features they had were their eyes made of pure light.

The planet that the Being had created was smaller than a speck of dust compared to the massive creature.

The Levithan came to a sudden stop, a massive shockwave causing the entire Universe to shake and rumble.

They stared in silence, The Being staring directly into the face of the Levithan.

They were face to face in silence, moments ticking away.

The Leviathan let out a breath of air that caused the entire planet to shift closer to its star, the orbit being thrown out of place and warming the world.

The remaining creatures were beginning to be burned, the oceans bubbling and evaporating while the trees burst into flames.

The Being continued to stare at the Leviathan, barely even budging as another violent breath of air washed over the planet, wiping out every single flame before they instantly burst back due to the heat, the world and oceans becoming covered in ash.

The entire world itself was burning away, turning into dust and ash as the Being reached back with his hand, moving his fingers while still locking eyes with the Leviathan.

The world was suddenly forced back into place, the dust and ash compacting back into the world that moved back to its place in orbit.

An entire world suddenly fixed and put back in place.

But all of the creatures were scorched and melted skeletons that covered the dirt and ash covered planet.

The Being was still staring into the endless eyes of the Leviathan, eyes larger than any star and more powerful than any black hole.

They continued to stare silently, preparing for the war that they were about to have.

The Leviathan opened its massive mouth, taking up the entire sky before the Being raced forward, creating a massive sonic boom that caused the entire solar system to shake and ripple. The Levithan suddenly darted out of place, catching the Being off guard.

Both of them moved faster than anything physically could.

Neither broke the speed of light, yet they could move hundreds of times faster than sound in a single second, no building up to it at all. Just instantly moving at a blur.

For a beast that seemed to stretch on for eternity, it had speed that should be impossible. It became a blur, then completely invisible.

The Being looked afraid as it spun around quickly to try and catch any glimpse of the beast.

A massive tooth appeared out of thin air, racing towards the Being until they dodged out of the way.

As the Being tried to fly further away, they felt their body violently ricocheted back into the world beneath him, catching himself just in time to land on the dry land without force, landing as gracefully as a ballerina.

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