Chapter 21: Going My Way

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Ash-Shaytān was sitting in his throne, his hand up to his chin while staring out blankly.

He was so lost in thought that he didn't realize every other Angel that was available was standing in front of him.

"Brother? Are you alright?" Azrael asked.

Ash-Shaytān jumped, snapping out of his trance before turning to face his Brother.

"I am fine, was just deep in thought." Ash-Shaytān said as he rose to his feet.

His body language and facial expressions were much less confident than normal. He stepped forward a few times, looking out at the collection of his siblings.

"My Brothers and Sisters..." He started out loud and confident, but immediately began to think once again.

Only a few words thought of beforehand, and a mad scramble inside his head while he tried to make it up as quickly as possible.

"I have been given the glorious...purpose to be the..." Ash-Shaytān was lost, struggling to come up with coherent words.

He took a deep breath in and out while Azrael looked at him with raised eyebrows.

The other siblings began to mumble amongst themselves, unsure of what to think or do.

Ash-Shaytān's breathing was fast, his heart pounding against his chest as he looked out over his siblings.

His eyes were shaking from nerves, unable to figure out what to do or say.

"I...I apologize for my actions. I simply...have been...unable to gather my train of thought. A lot has happened." Ash-Shaytān said, his hands shaking as he tried to laugh through the nerves.

He swallowed hard and shut his eyes, attempting to control his breath while every beat of his heart made his entire body shake.

Every beat could be felt from his head to his toes.

Causing him to struggle to breathe or move.
He continued to try and breathe, but struggled more and more.

"We will...I shall...lead'll work keep this Universe..." Ash-Shaytān was bombing, his siblings growing louder with their discussions amongst themselves.

Ash-Shaytān froze, unable to continue on as he fell back into his throne.

Azrael made his way to where his brother once stood, raising his arm.
"Silence!" Azrael shouted.
The Angels stopped, looking at their Brother.

Intently watching and hanging onto every word.

Azrael took a deep breath himself, forcing himself to feel confident.

"Our Brother Ash-Shaytān has been given the responsibility to lead us. He will help keep the Universe in check and prevent any more incidents from occurring. He will make sure that our home stays alive, by any means necessary! Now we will stand with him and help bring his vision to this Universe! Who is with us?" Azrael shouted.

The Angels all cheered, Ash-Shaytān looking out with surprise.

He sat up in his throne, turning his attention to his younger Brother.
"I...I can't believe it." Ash-Shaytān said.

Azrael turned to Ash-Shaytān with a smile.

"I support you Brother. I am simply doing what I must to make sure things go your way." Azrael said.

Ash-Shaytān smiled, yet his eyes had a weight to them that he couldn't understand.

A sadness that was subconscious yet visible.

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