Chapter 2: Banished

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The Being slowly opened their eyes, laying on a cold and rocky ground.

They slowly sat up, looking around at miles and miles of rock and soil. In the far distance they could see dead trees that were blowing around in the harsh and violent wind.

The Being then rose to their feet, the ground crunching and breaking beneath them with every step. Rocks crushed under the weight of his being.

They began to move slowly towards the trees, looking up at the piercing blue sky with white clouds floating around peacefully.

Dead branches that contained small nests, filled with eggs.

Small birds were visible as the Being continued to walk.

But then the birds grew larger and larger as they came closer and closer.

The Being stopped moving and stood still, staring up at these birds.
They continued to grow larger, followed by a loud and violent screech.

They weren't birds.

Pterodactyls came racing in at high speed, screeching like banshees as their clawed feet and sharp teeth inside of their beaks tried to grab hold of the Being. The Being moved out of the way, their Universe colored skin making it impossible for them to blend into the surroundings.

The black silhouette was standing in orange and brown dust, which was thrown up into a massive wave after the pterodactyls flew past him.

The pterodactyls continued to circle around him, constantly snapping their beaks and slashing their claws. They flew quickly, the dust being forced upwards into a tornado that surrounded the Being.

The Being was covering their body, like it mattered as the dust fell onto their skin.

They threw their arms out, the tornado of dust suddenly exploding in every direction. The pterodactyls became blinded by the dust, flapping around wildly before crashing to the ground, kicking up more dust and sand.

The Being looked at them curiously, reaching out towards them as if wanting to care for them.

Energy blasted out from the palm of their hand, hitting one pterodactyl in a straight line. Once the body disintegrated, it suddenly went at a right angle to hit another one, constantly changing direction to hit every single one. Their skin was vaporized in an instant, leaving the skeletons to lay on the dust covered ground. Bones were rolling around as the Being looked down at them, then looked at their hand.

Smoke was pouring out from their palm and fingertips, the energy hotter than most suns yet concentrated into a single beam. Whatever wasn't touched by it was normal.

They looked over at the trees, but as they did they began to slowly float off of the ground. Their feet left the soil and rocks, moving like water as the body began to float to the trees, rising higher into the air as they moved.

"What is this place?" The Being asked as they looked down at the thick bed of trees, able to hear hundreds of sounds hidden under the leaves, which shook around in small bunches due to animals underneath moving around or hitting the trees.

The Being slowly began to float down, waving his hand.

The roof of leaves opened, all shifting to one side and allowing them to look down.

They slowly lowered and landed softly on the ground, looking around at the seemingly endless expanse of trees standing tall and strong.

As the Being continued to turn, a velociraptor suddenly jumped out from a bush, hissing and screaming. It's jaw tried to snap down on his arm, hungry for a meal to survive.

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