Chapter 22: This Is Your Domain

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Grand Angel was standing at the top of the temple built by him and his children.

He looked out, now able to see the village of Humans had grown to an immense size.

Thousands of families living together in a complex society with different professions, personalities, and even the beginning of different cultures.

Families doing new things that they wished to do differently, creating generational traditions to carry over to their children, and their children's children.

Grand Angel continued to watch with a peaceful smile, feeling at home.

Feeling safe and secure.

"Father, mind if I join you?" Remiel asked as she climbed the stairs.

The Seraphs wings had been removed, preventing them from flying.

They looked fully Human, even if their biology was still angelic.

"Of course my Daughter." Grand Angel replied while stepping to the side, giving her room on the massive open square.

"How are you feeling today?" Remiel asked.

"I am fine." Grand Angel said.

"That is good to hear. Now I hope that your...fineness continues." Remiel said.

Grand Angel softly chuckled.

"Thank you Daughter, I appreciate it."

She looked out at the growing culture and village that was becoming a city.

"They are quite impressive." Remiel said.

"You have a soft spot for them. Much more than your siblings." Grand Angel replied.

Remiel shrugged.

"I find them fascinating. I am intrigued to learn from them." Remiel said.

"They will go on to do many things. Some good and some bad. But like I have said, we must not interfere. No exemptions." He said.

Remiel swallowed hard but kept her head staring forward.

"Yes Father." She said.

Grand Angel smirked, memories that have yet to come filling his mind and becoming visible to his eyes.

Everything that he could see, making him warmly and softly smile.

"It is always a pleasure to talk to you, Remiel." Grand Angel said.

"It is a pleasure to be with you Father." She replied and bowed before she went back down the temple.

Grand Angel turned his attention back to the village.

As he stared, there was one thing he became fixated on.
One thing he became infatuated with.

He continued to stare, unable to tell if he was locked onto something or if he was staring off into space.

Whatever he was doing, he had a smile on his face.

Ash-Shaytān and Azrael were alone in the Pantheon.

Ash-Shaytān was sitting on the floor, leaning back against the throne while his knees were up against his chest.

"Brother, what are you thinking about?" Azrael asked.
He was eating a piece of bread, staring down at the floor as he seemed to be thinking and planning.

Meanwhile Ash-Shaytān, who was normally the mastermind, was looking blank and mindless.

No emotions except for sorrow and somber.

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