Chapter 13: Humanity

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Jeremiel slowly began to stir awake, everything fuzzy and blurry. They slowly sat up, looking around.

They sat inside of a small cottage, looking perplexed and confused.

"Where are we?"
The other Angels were all beginning to wake up at the same time, all lying on the floor as they looked at the surrounding walls and ceiling.
Furniture including a wooden table with 8 chairs, a very long couch, a dangling ceiling fan, candles all over the place for light, and an empty bookcase.
"What happened?" Raphael asked, rubbing his head softly.

"Not sure." Michael said, sitting up with his knees to his chest. He stared out blank and stoic.

"Brother? You're alive?" Gabriel asked, noticing Michael.

Michael barely turned his head to look at his siblings.

All of his siblings crowded together, staring at him in shock and reverence.

"Stop staring." Michael said in a gruff, gravely voice.

"Brother, how are you alive?" They asked.

Michael finally lifted his head to stare at them, staring through his wild and dirty hair.

He moved his arms and knees, showing a scar that covered most of his torso. From his right shoulder down to his left hip, spread wide open.

"A single strike did this to you?" Zerachiel asked.

"It was...something I had never seen before. Never felt before. Brother Ash-Shaytān's blade was forged from something new. Something he seemed to have crafted himself. It was small, yet scorched my body all over. It poisoned me. Left me suffering. Until..." Michael trailed off.

The other Angels shared glances with each other, unsure what to expect.

The ground beneath them began to shake and rumble, making all of them stand still. Looking around inside the small cottage.

It broke apart, morphing and twisting before their eyes until the matter itself faded away.

They all turned, staring out onto the world from the peak of the mountain.

The tallest mountain of the world.

Watching as the world was inhabited by thousands of individual, unique creatures.

Sitting near the edge, the Grand Angel sat with his back to the Seraphs.

His legs crossed, arms resting as he stared forward.

The sun shining down with warmth and light.

His eyes stared out, eventually reacting.

As if somebody else was taking over.

He wiped his eyes, lowering his head while his entire body language shifted.

He turned to see the Seraphs, all of them staring with curious rage.

Gabriel reached for his sword, yet it was nowhere to be found.

He tried to extend his wings, yet nothing happened.

"What...what did you do to us?" Gabriel shouted.

The Grand Angel slowly rose to his feet, his legs straightening out as he gracefully rose. Yet once he stood, his legs wobbled. His body felt weight that it was not used to.

"Who...who are you?" Grand Angel asked.

The Seraphs looked confused at each other. Gabriel prepared to step forward, but Michael reached out to grab his hand. Gabriel turned, staring down with rage in his eyes before Michael used the hand to force himself to his feet.

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