Chapter 3: Frozen Rain Drops

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Back on the barren world, The Being was still sitting on the mountain.

Lava and fire everywhere.

Nothing had changed.

Thousands of years.

And nothing.

"When does it happen?" The Being asked aloud.

No other living creatures around to hear him.

He sat, bored. His elbow was resting on his knee with his chin resting on his balled up fist.

He looked tired, his eyes of light barely open.

But then, something became visible in the sky.

A speck of light flickering and flashing.

Golden white light so bright it was visible all throughout the Universe.

It cut through the thick clouds of smoke, racing straight towards the world.

The Being didn't do anything to stop it.

They simply watched on as the ball raced towards the world faster and faster.

It burst into the atmosphere, the energy and heat so vast that all of the black smoke clouds suddenly erupted into violent explosions of blue flames before disappearing, like paper being burnt up within seconds to reveal the surrounding Universe behind the clouds.

The beautiful stars now visible, no atmosphere in the way to obscure them or make them twinkle.

The ball violently smashed into the ground with enough force that the planet exploded, sending most of the crust flying out into space, causing the entire world to ripple and shake with tidal waves of lava and rock erupting in every direction.

Entire mountains of rock shattering and shooting into space.

Yet The Being watched on unaffected.

They simply watched the proceedings as billions of pounds of the planet was sent away, floating around the planet due to an unknown force.

A ring of billions of rocks formed around the planet, spinning slowly around the small rock.

The Being then reached out, ever so slightly turning their wrist.

They stared up at the ring of rocks, waiting to see what would happen.

The rocks began to collide and bunch together into a single mass. Some fell back to the world, smashing into it to create small craters and send even more rock up into the air.

After millions of years raced by in seconds, a moon was formed. It rotated and orbited around the planet with its beautiful white color and peaceful light shining down on the still barren world. The surface was very smooth and clean, no craters or damages visible.

The Being watched over the world they inhabited, not having moved a single inch despite the world being smashed with a violent explosion that nearly tore it apart.

The massive moon continued to circle around, staring down like an all knowing and all seeing eye down on the world.

The lava and fire all cooled slowly, leaving behind hundreds of feet of cold, solid rock that covered the planet. No longer molten and shifting, but a stoic and still crust.

Clouds began to form in the sky, gray and soft.

Floating on their own while seeming to stay close to the world.

An atmosphere quickly forming from vapors and elements that formed from the cooling of the planet.

After a few moments of silence, the air began to feel more and more humid. More and more crisp and cool.
The Being breathed out, a cloud of fog appearing from their mouthless face.

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