Chapter 9: The Legend of The Grand Angel

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The Being's eyes slowly opened, staring up at the peaceful sky of blue and clouds made of white that he recognized from eons before.

His featureless face still looked confused as he sat up, looking around at a world covered in animals running around, forests of trees sprung everywhere, massive ranges of mountains blocking the horizon, and the star shining down to allow warmth and life.

The Being slowly turned to look all around them, unsure of how long they rested and unsure of how this could've happened.

A barren, radiated wasteland was now once again a home for life that ran around. Forests everywhere, packed full of all forms of life.

They looked down at their hands, which were no longer made out of the Universe.

His fingertips were beginning to fade away, appearing as a single color.

A shade that was between black and white.

A brown shade that clashed with everything else.

The Being stood up, confused and afraid as they kept staring at their fingertips.

The flesh colored skin stayed in place.

It was a part of him now, his body beginning to change to something else.

When the Being tried to make it go away, nothing worked.

He shook his hands rapidly, yet the fingers remained as they were.

He looked around the world he was on, billions of years of evolution already occurring during his sleep.

The Being began to walk through the oasis of a world, the single continent now seperated into five of varying sizes. One massive and stretching out with another that was slightly smaller, and three more that were much smaller.

The Being stretched as he tried to float, yet it was more difficult than before. He had to think and concentrate on it in order to lift off of the ground.

He started waving his hand to make the oceans calm.

Once again, it took more focus than ever before.

Things that used to come easy, things happening without so much as a thought, now felt as difficult as could be.

But then he was able to see straight down to the bottom of the sea, staring down at the slumbering and sleeping Leviathan that he slayed, buried under miles and miles of rock, sand, and water.

It was obviously still alive, breathing very slow and lingering breaths, but it was clearly weak and needing to recover.

Resting in its temporary home of soil that covered its entire body that wrapped around the planet.

The Being turned back to stare up past the Universe and towards the Pantheon, but it was unclear and hazy, as if The Being's eyes had become weaker after resting.

He sighed and looked back down at the world, watching the thousands of creatures running around on the beautiful and peaceful world.

But his focus shifted away, his body suddenly dropping until he landed on the ground harshly. He grunted, feeling a sensation he didn't recognize.


He slowly rose to his feet, attempting to fly again while his body was shaking and thrashing to either side, like it didn't know how to handle floating above the ground.

"How could he possibly defeat the Leviathan?" Azrael asked, staring at Ash-Shaytān who was pacing around the Pantheon.

Ash-Shaytān was marching with purpose. Whatever the purpose was, it was filled with anger and rage. Every step was forceful, echoing off of the marble floors while his head was sharply tilted downward. His red eyes were darting around wildly, moving at the same pace as his mind while trying to come up with his next scheme.

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