Chapter 19: Using Free Will

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Grand Angel stared out, his facing dropping in shock.

It felt like everything slipped away, the world stretching behind him.

A dolly zoom forcing everything further and further away.
He didn't have time to pull back from the tight hug around his Daughter Zerachiel.

A violent punch to his chest sent him flying backwards, Zerachiel standing with her arm extended and smoke coming from her clenched fist.

Grand Angel didn't move, but he felt another strike to his back, smashing him down into the ground with enough force to cause an earthquake, the entire mountain they lived on shivering in place.

Rocks falling to create landslides.

The small village shook as all of the humans hid in their small homes, unsure of anything else to do.

Grand Angel slowly rose to his feet, Gabriel running and hitting a powerful kick to the side of his ribs. Grand Angel was flung into the air, crashing into the peak of the mountain, causing a massive avalanche of rock.
The Seraphs didn't move from their places. If rocks came crashing towards them, they shattered them with strikes.

"Should we really be doing this?" Remiel asked.

"We can do whatever we wish. Father said it himself." Gabriel replied with a cocky smirk.

Zerachiel was clearly conflicted on her face as her wings shot out of her back.

Raphael shared a glance with Raguel, the two giving very soft nods with heavy faces.

Their wings extended out and they shot upwards, flying to their Father.

Michael was standing alone, his arms still crossed.

Not interfering in any sense.

Grand Angel rose to his feet, standing in a sideways crater in the mountain.

"He rubbed his head, looking out as Raphael and Raguel approached him quickly.

"Father, are you alright?" Raguel asked.

Grand Angel cracked his neck.

"We do not wish to fight you. We come here in peace." Raphael responded.

"You stand against your Sister?" Grand Angel asked, panting.
Even in his battles against the Beasts, he did not pant or feel this much pain.

Now that his powers were weaker, his body felt more fragile and mortal.

"Father?" Raguel asked, confused.

Gabriel came flying in at top speed, crashing into Grand Angel. The two of them smashed through the mountain, causing the top to collapse and crumble down. Gabriel grabbed his Father by his face, flying all the way down to the ground with a violent smash that shattered the massive continent that they inhabited. The entire land mass shattering and seperating, tidal waves of rock and dirt rolling across the fields.

Remiel noticed a wave heading towards the small village, her eyes becoming filled with water.

"Let's go." Michael said, his wings extending as he raced towards the village.

Remiel followed right after, racing towards the village and taking the innocent human beings into the cave, where the man Remiel knew was still standing. Waving them in as if it was his own home.

Remiel stood at the edge of the cave, looking out to see a child running in the distance. The wave of rock coming closer and closer.

"Sister?" Michael asked.

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