Chapter 10: The Death of God Vol. 2

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The Being stood on the surface of his world.

His home that he was forced to live on and control.

A place that he had slowly formed in his own image, before leaving it to evolve on its very own.

Around him, thousands of dinosaurs, megalodons, and other monsters stared up and stood together.

All staring towards the sky as shooting stars of blinding white light blocked out the sky.

All racing closer and closer while growing larger and larger.

The Being clenched his fists, preparing for yet another war. The mortal flesh colored fingers fusing into the hands of space, stars twinkling all over his remaining body.

The fireballs all came crashing down into the world, creating massive craters and rippling apart the continents that floated in the sea.

Monstrous, hellish roars filled the world from multiple locations as the Being tensed, the creatures around him all screaming and roaring themselves. Yet their roars barely resonated, being drowned out by the simple breathing of the Beasts.

He reached up, suddenly driving all of the continents together once again, creating a single large battlefield.

The edges all lifted upward, a mountain range trapping them all into a gladiatorial arena.

The Beasts began to emerge from their craters, dozens of monstrous beasts that each looked undefeatable.


A massive beast in the shape of an ox with brass bones and iron limbs. It stared with rage filled eyes, horns that reached up into the sky and armored scales that were similar to the Leviathan. An entire body covered in unbreakable skin, hair that resembled grass poking out of the edges like weeds in between cracks on the ground. It had a mouth that opened wide enough to swallow an entire moon at once, thousands of sharp teeth shining and reflecting the sunlight in every possible direction, creating a rainbow of blinding light that could put people into a trance with how beautiful it looked.


A massive squid with tentacles that each wrapped around the world, able to grab it like it was nothing more than an egg inside of a hand. If it wished to, it could crush and shatter the world just as easily, if not more so. The massive head stared down, a massive mouth opening in the shape of a circle with teeth all over the place, jagged and broken into violently sharp points. The circles all over the tentacles were filled with more teeth, ready to suck and kill whatever they grabbed a hold of.


A creature that was the size of a mountain range, massive wings stretching out that could block out the sky. The body of a lion, the head of a lion screaming as a second head that resembled a goat screamed as well. The goat head was merged to the back of the lion's head, allowing it to see in front and behind, making it impossible to blindside or sneak around it. The goat breathed a massive plume of fire that nearly reached the massive star itself, a tail of a sentient serpent darting and slithering through the air before hissing, the tongue alone stretching out across the world.


A massive wolf as dark as shadow, emerging from the darkness with piercing red eyes as foam began to appear in its mouth, rabid and hungry. The fur looked sharp, like every individual hair could slice through anything. The claws were just as sharp, clawing through the ground like it was made of butter, ripping apart the very ground that it stood on.


Another creature with the body of a lion, the face of a human being that had hair extending out into a thick mane that looked like it was made of pure fire. The body erupted with dark wings, and a massive scorpion tail covered in jagged porcupine points shooting upward with poison leaking out of the tip, everything it touched being melted away within a few seconds. The hands reached out, resembling hands of gorillas that ended in the claws of lions, the muscles massive like boulders.

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