Chapter 15: Beauty In Uniqueness

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Ash-Shaytān was tossing his dagger in the air, catching it perfectly every time. Gripping the handle tightly. Even more scars covered his hands and arms, leaving more injured flesh than healthy skin.

Azrael was sitting on the floor, straight back and hands on his knees. His eyes were shut while he was breathing very slow, deep breaths.

Verchiel was staring at the Red, which was resting on the floor with very faint red pulses. Perhaps sleeping. Sitting still in silence.

Her face was emotionless, her eyes completely black and every vein in her head black, visible through her skin.

"What must we do next Brother?" Azrael asked.

Ash-Shaytān held his blade as he looked around at the vast Universe around them.
"I wish I had a plan Brother Azrael, but sadly I do not. We will simply have to wait." Ash-Shaytān replied.

"And the Seraph?" Azrael asked.

"They will come through for us, don't you worry. But I think that we simply have to wait. Lure in more of our Siblings to our side. We can not rush..."

"...and we can not rush perfection." The Grand Angel said.

The Seraphs were looking at the humans that made their way around their new home, wandering through the vast fields and forests. Some perfectly symmetrical and human shaped while others were moving with uneven limbs, large humps in their backs, and other deformities.

"They're..." Gabriel began.

"Don't finish that sentence my Son." Grand Angel spoke, his eyes beginning to glow white once again.

"I am just saying that they are..."
"They are beautiful, like each of you. Not everything needs to be perfect. In fact, I for one do not believe that is even possible." Grand Angel smirked as he stared into Gabriel's eyes.

"Father..." Gabriel said softly, but then Grand Angel's finger went to his lips.

"We shall let them be. We will let the humans live on their own and evolve on their own. We can not get involved, understood?" Grand Angel asked.

"Yes Father." All of the Seraphs aside from Gabriel replied in unison.

"Yes Father, I understand." Gabriel replied shortly after.

"Good. Now come on, let us sit together." Grand Angel said.

The Seraphs and Grand Angel all squatted down on the mountain before they sat with their legs crossed, watching on as the humans lived their lives peacefully in the Garden of Eden built perfectly for them.

Ash-Shaytān was lying upside down in his throne, his feet dangling over the silver thorns and jagged pieces while his hair flowed down, resting on the floor. He stared out with somber eyes.


A fantasy realized and destiny fulfilled, yet he felt even emptier than before.

"Brother, we have a problem." One Angel spoke.

Ash-Shaytān sighed, tilting his head around to see the Angel properly.

"What is it this time Sister Eylül K?" Ash-Shaytān asked, very slowly getting out of his throne and to his feet.

The Angel in front of him was the most beautiful Angel of all. Dark skin, long flowing black hair, brown eyes, and a slim but muscular body. The golden armor covered much less than other Angels. It only covered her breasts and her hips, showing off most of her skin. Her long black hair was pulled back into tight braids, staying out of her face and allowing her to travel more freely as she flew.

Grand AngelTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang