Chapter 4: Life

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After millions of years, the sky had turned blue with the clouds white and peaceful.

He had done nothing, wishing to experience the world in real time. He didn't move forward or backwards, just sat in admiration.

The world was still quiet, spinning slowly through space with the moon orbiting around rather close.

It was night time, the moon shining down a calm and peaceful blue/white glow that covered everything.

The Being looked down at the vast ocean from their mountain top, staring down into the seemingly endless abyss of blue and black.

There was movement under the surface.

The Being only watched as the movement increased.

The water was growing more and more turbulent.

Something under the surface was growing rapidly.

Small, microscopic organisms that were invisible to the naked eye. They were rapidly splitting apart, creating perfect copies over and over and over again.

Cells growing larger and larger and larger.

The cells bunching and beginning to become visible.

Life was starting.

At the Pantheon, the Angels were still gathered together, attempting to find any solution that would allow them to help the Universe.

Any solution to their Father's death.

Ash-Shaytān was standing near one of the columns, his Brother Azrael standing with him.

"We must have more of our Brothers and Sisters come to our side. We need them to gain the control of Father's throne." Ash-Shaytān said, tossing an apple up and catching it in his hand over and over again.

"How will you do that Brother?" Azrael asked.

"I'm not sure. But I will come up with something. I always do." Ash-Shaytān said with a smile, reaching up to rub the back of Azrael's head.

Ash-Shaytān smoothly darted in between the large clusters of his Brothers and Sisters, moving around looking for a perfect target to talk to next.

Over at the edge, an open space between two columns that looked over the vast emptiness that existed outside of time and space.

They were able to look down into the vast Universe, or up into the sky of other Universes that themselves were twinkling like more stars, surrounding them in lights.

"My lovely Sister Verchiel, I have missed you so."
The Angel turned, looking at Ash-Shaytān with a soft but hesitant smile.

"Brother, what brings you over here? Failed to convince others to join you and Azrael?" She asked.

Ash-Shytān smirked as he held the apple out towards her, but she nodded her head to refuse it. It suddenly disappeared in an instant as he clenched his hand into a soft fist, opening it back up like a magician.

"I noticed none of our siblings were paying you any attention. I simply could not stand by and leave you alone." Ash-Shaytān replied as they approached closer.

Verchiel sighed and tried to look away from him.

"Well that is very kind of you Brother, but I do not wish to discuss anything with you." She said, almost seeming to speak like she was repeating something she had been trained to say, whether she wanted to or not.

Whether she believed it or not.

"And why is that Sister?" Ash-Shaytān asked.

"You were banished from here for a very good reason. You were sent away because you were unstable. A monster. And yet you come here to show false sympathy in hopes that we believe you changed. In hopes that we would let you take the throne of our Holy Father. You are mad." Verchiel said, ending with tears beginning to form and gritting their teeth.

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