Chapter 20: God Vs Devil

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Ash-Shaytān and Grand Angel were standing feet apart.

Their bodies still while the world was breaking underneath their feet.

The sky was full of blinding light while the cracks of the Universe grew larger and larger.
Each crack, larger than entire galaxies.

"I know what you're thinking, and I agree." Ash-Shaytān said.

"You're going to punch yourself?" Grand Angel asked.

Ash-Shaytān laughed while waving his finger.

"Funny. I can see you have Father's humor. Makes sense as you are from his blood. But that only makes me want to get this over with faster." Ash-Shaytān said.

The ground opened between them, but neither of them moved.

"You wish for the Universe to be saved, for the sole purpose of having it to rule over." Grand Angel said.

Ash-Shaytān sighed and shrugged.

"Ruling over a barren wasteland of not fun. You wouldn't know though. But I know it all too well." Ash-Shaytān said.

He removed his robes, revealing a naked body covered entirely in scars and burns.

Every inch of flesh torn and forced back together with visible scars holding his body together like tape.

"I must say Father, I am not angry that you banished me. In fact, I hold that belief in common with you. I would've done the same. However, I am angry that you punished me and me alone. That none of my other Brothers or Sisters were sent to Hell with me. I had to rule over a land of pure darkness, forging my own world to keep me sane...well...sane in my eyes. But now I am to understand that you created hundreds...thousands of Brothers and Sisters after my banishment. Why is that?" Ash-Shaytān asked, his hand clenching into a fist.
Grand Angel sighed, crossing his arms.
"I banished you due to your ideas. I did not wish for you to corrupt your siblings, which I see now you have been successful in after my death and reincarnation. I must say I am quite proud, even if I know you would hate to hear that. But controlling a Universe for the sole purpose of doing whatever you wish is not what a leader does. What a God does."
"I am not a God!" Ash-Shaytān shouted, his eyes going red as a single tear ran down his face.

"You took away any hope of being like you when you kicked me out of my home. I swore that I would never become you. So I will never EVER be a God." Ash-Shaytān shouted.

"So, what are you?" Grand Angel asked.

Ash-Shaytān smirked while the world shifted again.

The cracks grew larger and send more shooting stars of energy.
They collided with planets, shattering them with massive explosions.

Other smashed into stars, supernovas exploding throughout the Universe and overtaking the sky into blinding flashes of light.
A turbulent Universe while everything around them disappeared, into an abyss of nonexistence.

"I'm The Devil." Ash-Shaytān said, his eyes turning blood red.

Grand Angel looked confused before Ash-Shaytān suddenly charged forward, his black mangled wings extending out.

Grand Angel went to punch him, but Ash-Shaytān suddenly burst into a cloud of flames that washed over Grand Angel.

Fire moving like smoke, consuming the body of Grand Angel until it transformed back into Ash-Shaytān, who drove his crooked blade into Grand Angel's shoulder.

Grand Angel shouted when Ash-Shaytān disappeared once again in a moving collection of fire and sparks.

Ash-Shaytān formed again, using his wing to bat Grand Angel away and smash into the ground.

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