Chapter 16: Fallen Angel

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Ash-Shaytān was flying slowly through the Universe, his massive black wings flapping through the vacuum.

No noise.

The Red followed behind, keeping him illuminated in a red light.

Bathing over him.

Creating a silhouette of a Hellish nightmare creature. The wings pitch black before flapping, almost disappearing before remerging.

"Where are you Sister?" Ash-Shaytān whispered to himself.

The peaceful stars twinkled out in the distance, seeming so closely packed together despite them really being billions of miles away from each other.

Space looking so small yet so big at the same time.

Ash-Shaytān looked over his shoulder, more expansiveness that seemed unfathomable.

He tilted his body to the side, gliding off course and drawing himself closer to the edge of the Universe.

A wall that was curved, yet so massive it appeared as flat as paper.

A sphere so incomprehensibly big to anything inside.

He reached out to feel it.

The softest, smoothest, coldest thing he had ever felt.

"If these cracks are real, then we will need to find any solution. Hopefully Father has something in the vault that can help." Ash-Shaytān said, looking back at the Red.

It only pulsed in a steady rhythm, rumbling in a consistent tone.

"No, we can not leave them. As much as I wish to, we need to make my Brothers and Sisters trust me. I must do some good." Ash-Shaytān replied.

The Red pulsed in the same steady rhythm and rumbled with the same low tone.

"You wouldn't understand. I don't even know if you can think." Ash-Shaytān said.

He suddenly felt the barrier crack where his hand was, causing his body to suddenly come to a halt. His wings stretched out to catch the tiny amount of air floating around. He turned to stare at the crack, the black wall suddenly showing bright white light peeking through.

"Well I'll be damned." Ash-Shaytān said softly.

The Red moved closer to the wall, as if staring at the crack.

"No you can not touch it." Ash-Shaytān said.

He moved closer, the light shining on his face, bathing him in so much white light it overtook the Red's light. He was fully illuminated in white, closing his eyes.

Ash-Shaytān eyes suddenly opened, quickly turning to see another Angel.

A young woman floating with wings that were smaller than other Angels, as if they weren't fully grown.

"Sister Jophiel?" Ash-Shaytān asked.

Jophiel had her hand firmly gripping her sword, yet it remained sheathed.

"How...why are you here?" She asked.

He looked confused, his eyebrow raising while his arms slowly raised in surrender.

"Are you feeling alright Sister?" He asked, sounding concerned.

She stared intensely, her grip still tight. Her muscles flexed. Her veins bulged. Her fingers turning white.

"How did you escape from your prison?" She asked.

Ash-Shaytān turned to stare at the Red before turning back.

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