Happy Birthday

251 20 6

12:03 a.m. June 22

You are a just a Korean actor for most of the people and you are a human to most of the humans.

For us,you are Lee Min Ho.The one who have a kind heart,cute smile and great personality. I was inspired to write,because of you and now,I figured out about what I have to be and what's special in me.

In many ways,you made us smile,laugh,cry .And now,and this moment,I am thanking God wholeheartedly for making us to known you and for making you.

I hope your family is as happy as we are.May be you are 28 ,but we know that you are still a cute guy who loves ramen and have a great relationship with choco and a guy who will anything to make her girl happy and a great son and brother.And apart from a hallyu star,you are a good human,Lee Min ho.Have a nice day and enjoy it in the way you want to.

With love,

Your Minoz...

Dedicated to : Our Lee Min ho

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