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Today is Saturday - the day awsten is supposed to be coming over.  I am planning on giving him a short tutorial on how to ride a horse in the ménage, and then we can go out on a ride to the river together.
My hair is back in a pony tail. I apply a little lip balm, and a bit of foundation to cover up a spot on my chin, and also some mascara but that's it. It will be the least amount of makeup he has seen me wear. I hope I look alright.
I look at my watch. Oh god, 10 minutes and he'll be here. I told home to meet at Maple's stable. I brush my pony tail just in case it has gathered any knots, and put a body warmer over my jumper. I take one last look in the mirror before going down to maple's stable. I should probably give her a quick groom before we ride out.
I get her body brush and go over her quickly, and then check her hooves with the hood pick just in case there's any stoned lodged in there. I flick a comb though her mane, and then go to get her tack. I sling the bridle over my shoulder and carry that back alone first.
I reach over the lower half of the Dutch door but then 2 hangs grip my waist tightly, causing me to squeal. I turn around and come face to face with his blueish grey green eyes.
"H - hi," I say nervously.
"Hello, sweet heart," he smiles. Sweet heart! That's the first time a guy has ever called me sweet heart!
He is wearing a baggy grey sweater, black skinny jeans, short black leather boots which are sort of like jodhpur boots, and a grey beanie is on his head.
"You look gorgeous," he tells me, snaking his arms around my back.
"Thanks. You too." I smile up at him. "I was just racking Maple up"
He follows me into her stable. "Anything I can do to help?" He asks.
"Yes, you can put the saddle on her back, but put the nummah on first, and don't buckle the saddle up because it's pretty confusing"
"What's the nummah?" He frowns.
"This," I say, holding it up. He nods, and gets to work whilst I put the bridle on.
When I am down with Maple, I explain how to buckle the girths up on the saddle, and Awsten actually seems interested! I rush to the tack room and grab Maple's head collar, and coke back and fit it other her bridle and then I tie her up in the stable so she doesn't injure herself. I knot her reins, and do her stirrups up so she'll be safe.
"What are you doing?" Asks Awsten as I walk out of the stable.
"You're not riding Maple if that's what you thought," I tell him.
"Aw, but I like Maple!" He whines.
"Yes, but she's my horse. You can ride Pablo, my mom's horse," I tell him. He follows me into Pablo's stable. I show him how to groom him, and then I tack up.
When Pablo is all tacked up, Awsten gets a helmet and then I show him how to hold the reins to lead him to the ménage. I grab the mounting block, and tell Awsten to stand on it.
"Now you put your left foot in the stirrup," I say, holding the stirrup to show him what they are, "And then you hold the reins in the left hand, and you can grab the saddle as well if you like, and then you push off the stirrup and then swing your other leg over, ok? Like I did yesterday"
"Yeah, I remember," he nods. He gets into the saddle quite easily.
"How do the stirrups feel? Are they too short or too long?" I ask him.
"They feel a bit short," he says honestly.
"Thought they would be," I say, going round to each side to take them down by 2 holes. "Now are they ok?"
"Yeah, they're fine, thanks," he smiles.
"Right, you need to sit up taller. Imagine there is a line going from your shoulder, to your elbow, to your heel. Yes, that's it, great! And put your heels down, and your elbows in - perfect! One last thing, you need your thumbs on top of the reins, and then your little finger underneath. No, not like that, like this!" I say, and I walk over to him and manoeuvre his hand into the correct position.
"I think I may need a bit of help with the other hand," he smirks, knowing exactly what he's doing. I sigh, and move his fingers into position in the other hand too.
"To walk, you need to squeeze his sides with your heels, ok?" I instruct. He does it, and Pablo sets off at a brisk walk. "Get him on the track by pulling the left rein - no, not that much! Only slightly! And put your right heel behind the girth so then he - Awsten, no!"
I roll my eyes and jog up to him. "Somebody is impatient today," he smirks.
"Ssshh, you," I say, taking Pablo's reins. "Now do as I say. Right, walk on, Pablo," I say, clucking to the piebald. He starts to walk. "When we get to this corner, I want you to pull gently on the right rein, because you're going right, and then as you're doing that, put your right leg behind the girth, and your left leg in front to steer him. It depends on how tightly you want to turn as to how far back you put your leg"
"Yeah, one question; what's the girth?"
I mentally face palm myself, "the leather strap that goes around him from the saddle;" I say.
"Go for it then," and then he turns around fine - for a beginner.
"I think we'd best try that a few more times, just so you're confident"
"Yeah, me too"
We go around the ménage 1 more time, "feeling confident enough to try on your own?" I ask.
"Can't you come around one more time?"
"No. Nod go for it," I smile, standing in the centre to watch him. And he goes around fine. "When you get to C, pull back on the reins gently and sit deeper in the saddle until he stops"
Awsten gets to the C marker and pulls Pablo up. I jog over to him. "Ready to try a trot?"
I take the reins. "When you feel him start to trot, rise up and down in the saddle. See his left shoulder? When that shoulder moves outwards, you should be up in the saddle. When it comes back, you should be seated. And so on. That's called your diagonal, ok?
"Ok," he replies. I start to jog, and Pablo goes into a speedy trot. "You may want to shorten your reins," I advise. He does so, and we go around the ménage once.
"My bum is hurting," he moans.
"You'll get used to it," I call back. "Don't go up so high. I'm going to let go now, ok?"
"Wait, don't!" He says but I don't listen and do it anyway.
Hmm, he's quite a quick learner. I must be a good teacher. When he gets to the top, he turns down the centreline and comes to a stop in front of me.
"Ready for the trek?" I ask him.
"Yes, thank goodness!" He says. I hold the reins and lead him to Maple's stable. I bring her out and mount up.
"Where are we going?" He asks.
"I was thinking we could go to the river. You like it there, don't you?" I answer.
"Yes, I love it there. It's like my favourite place!"
"Me too! It's beautiful, isn't it?"
"Not as beautiful as you"
I feel myself turn crimson. We walk out side by side in the direction of the river. When we get there, we move into a trot, and Awsten takes everything in his stride perfectly.
"Know when we get back?" He begins.
"Yes, Awsten"
"We'll do you want to come over to my house for a bit?"
"I think that's the first time you've done it voluntarily"
I laugh, as we trot side by side though the trees, our arms occasionally brushing together.

Falling in love with the bully * Awsten KnightWhere stories live. Discover now