Something We've seen before - Memory

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Memory Astarte had before she and Neorch started dating.

Astarte was relaxed in her living room watching TV before hearing her phone go off. She groaned before picking it up, not recognizing the number. 


"Astarte?" The voice said. Astarte recognized the voice.

"You gotta be fucking kidding me-" 

"Wait, wait! Just listen to me." 

Astarte stopped for a moment before hearing them out. 

"What. Make it quick. I got shit I got to do." 

"I want to meet somewhere to talk." 

"Can we do this any other day?"

"Sorry, but no. I gotta discuss that court order." 


"The coffee shop." 

"I'll be there in 5 minutes." Astarte hung up the phone before pushing it in her pocket as she stood from the couch. 

Astarte headed down to the coffee shop that was near her penthouse. She walked in the door and recognized a familiar face. 


"You know I don't do well in public spaces-" Astarte said before getting hugged.

"Nice to see you too, Charlie," Astarte said before pushing him off. 

"Sit down, will ya?" Astarte sat down across from him. 

"What did you need to discuss." 

"The court order is going to end next year." 

"And? I'm sure you've learned to keep your mouth shut after a year." 

Astarte smirked before leaning forward. "You say a word, and I promise I'll find and shoot your ass." 

"Still feisty, I see. That wasn't my original thought." 

"Then why bring it up." 

"I just wanted to remind you." 

"How is Jaycee and your father?"

"They are fine," Astarte said, leaning back in the chair and looking at the eyes glaring at her. 

"Listen. All it takes is one phone call, and the police will appear." Astarte said, reminding Charlie.

"It wasn't a restraining order. How would that make sense." 

"We agreed to never speak on the subject, yet here you are." 

"Listen, I don't understand why you got the NDA in the first place." 

"Those three months were fucking horrible. You abused the living shit out of me for my body and money." 

"Hey, hey," Charlie said, grabbing Astarte's hand before feeling her pull it away. 

"You don't need to say it. I get the point." Charlie said before seeing a hickey as Astarte turned her head to look around the room. 

"Already looks like you moved on." 

"Hm?" Astarte said, looking back at Charlie. 

"The hickey," Charlie said, watching Astarte bring her hand to her neck and roll her eyes. 

"We are just talking at the moment." 


"Wasn't even intentional" 

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