Go The Extra Mile

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Astarte stirred awake as she felt the car stop suddenly hearing the GPS. "You arrived at your destination." In a British voice, "When did she become British?" Astarte said, rubbing her eyes and turning towards Neorch, who shrugged. "She just started being British on the way here."

"You want to be armed?"

"Let's not. I'll have my revolver, but I pray I don't have to use it. I trust Jade that this is a good person." Astarte said, getting out of the car and slamming the door, viewing the two-story city house, White panels and an oak trim with a brick-lined porch. Astarte turned her head as she walked onto the sidewalk in front of her house, looking at the nice houses. "Imagine living here."

"I rather not. Too much responsibilities."

"True. Knock on the door."

Astarte followed behind Neorch as he walked up the stairs. Astarte stayed back a little bit. They watched him place four gentle knocks on the door before hearing kids screaming. Neorch turned to look at Astarte before hearing the door open. A teenager leaned on the door. "I don't know you."

"Where is your mother?"

"Why? Who's asking."

Astarte smiled. "I see where Jade gets her attitude from."

"You know my sister?"

"I'm her boss," Astarte said as she watched Neorch blocking her view. The child turned their head towards the door and screamed a name that Astarte couldn't understand. "Who the hell are you talking to?" a grown woman asked before watching the child step back and an older woman step into the doorway. "I don't want any Girl Scout cookies," the older woman declared.

"Wait, Wait, We aren't Girl Scouts. I need to talk to you. I'm Jade's boss." Astarte said

"Ah, okay. What's wrong? And excuse me, may I know your name?" The woman observed Astarte as she walked past Neorch and onto the porch. "Just a moment, please," the woman said before turning to the children and speaking softly. Neorch asked, "May we come in?" The woman nodded in response. Astarte stepped forward and followed the woman to the kitchen.

"I don't want the kids hearing." "I don't blame you," Astarte said, standing and watching Neorch sit down. Astarte crossed her arms, looking at the kids as they peeked around the corner, staring at her.

"They're just curious. They've never seen a revolver that huge before," said the lady

"Yeah, that tends to happen," Astarte replied before turning her attention back to the lady.

"Let's start this right, and I don't want this to go south," Astarte added.

"Right," the woman said, her uneasiness palpable.

"What's your name? So I can address you," Astarte asked.

"Mylia," the woman responded.

"Pretty name, Mylia. I'm Astarte, and this is Neorch," Astarte introduced themselves.

Astarte noticed Mylia looking around frantically, clearly nervous. "Relax, Mylia. I mean no harm," Astarte said, trying to reassure her. She watched as Mylia attempted to make eye contact with her.

"I know. I didn't expect to see you in the kitchen today. It's just overwhelming to see you, especially considering all the news reports about how dangerous you are," Mylia said

"I only want some answers," Astarte replied, gently touching the kitchen table and noticing Mylia flinch. Astarte heard children screaming and turned her head to see one of them yelling, "Don't hurt her!" Ignoring the commotion, Astarte refocused on Mylia.

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