I think I've got a HeartAttack!

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*sigh* OK Coo take this medicine I'm telling you for the last time", Jungkook was standing near her bed with medicine in his hand & water in his other hand, he was so done with Coco she was refusing to eat medicines, that's her daily thing but today it was too much.

"I'm getting late, is that what you want? sure I'm late already now come outside of your blanket & eat this, will you? don't let me force you Coco-ya!", Jungkook said this for the really last time as he placed the tablets beside him & started to unwrap her from the blanket.

"ahhh noo... don't.. go away!! I'll not eat that yucky thing"

"You'll you've to com'on!"

"I'll not.. get out!!"

He finally separated the blanket from her now she bundled up her body burying her face in, "Coco.. I'll call your scary nurse you know how she'll feed you" he said smirking to ear.

"ahh this is not fair, I'm feeling good why do I've to eat that" she sat up on the bed whining.

"ok, you don't want to then I'll.." Jungkook said taking meds in his hand.

"huh, what do you mean??" 

"I mean by this.." he ate the pills taking some water in his mouth he grabbed her head attaching her lips to hers he forced it into her she was resisting so much but finally she gave up & gulped the medicine as he smirked letting her go.

"yah!!! why did you do that you are crazy!! you stupid.." she was practically beating his puffy chest.

"shh.. or else I'll do that again to shut you up!" Jungkook whispered in his deep voice shutting her quickly.

"Ok now I don't want to ditch you so I'm telling you before going... I'm going Coco, I'll be back in four days it may take a lot so please listen to hyun- I mean your Oppas & don't trouble them so much" He kissed her for the last time on the forehead hanging his bag on his shoulder and gave her a smile & went out she was looking at him pouting, as he disappeared from her sight.

"well Oppas can't feed me meds like that nor nurse unni no one can," she said to herself.


"aish I'd rather babysit Naeun for the rest of my life but not you, I didn't know that you're this stubborn please honey eat this", Namjoon was begging Coco to eat breakfast.

"Oppa No!! Please I already ate the sandwich you made for me, not this please" Coco said denying him, she was feeling uncomfortable.

"Is it that bad?? I guess you didn't like my food", Namjoon said hanging his head low to get her to eat that.

*argh, there he goes, how should I explain to him I already had it* "Oppa I can't- she started coughing..

Taehyung came running inside"Coco are you ok?? what happened?"

"I-I was trying to feed her this I don't know Coco-ya drink water.. here.." Namjoon worriedly gave her water.

Taehyung was patting her back but she didn't stop coughing, he noticed red rashes appear on her hands & neck,"Hyung what did you feed her?? look she is getting rashes Oh my god! her face is all red, Coco-ya you good ?"

"Aishhh... are you two serious?? why did you feed her this?? Peanut butter? who bought this? She is allergic to peanuts, & this argh!! are you trying to kill her or what?" The nurse started to scold both of them.

"U-Unni.. it's ok.. It's not their fault!!" Coco was covered in rashes at this point Nurse quickly gave her anti-allergic meds to avoid the burning of rashes.

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