Kissed My Lips with Goodbye -27

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   "Ok, so Yuri, Naeun  Ma-ri you guys will look after the kids don't let them go if Jiji is acting up just hand him to me or Taehyung" Namjoon instructed the girls.

"Dad don't tell me to babysit them I'm not going to do that I came here to meet Jungkook Uncle" Naeun stormed off.

"Joonie Uncle I'm not a baby anymore Jiji needs a babysitter, not me" Jerry also followed Naeun.

"Jeez, what's wrong with our kids? Or is it just running in our family?" Taehyung said mocking them.

"Oppa don't worry Kids are always around me they'll not get lost Naeun pretends not to care but she secretly looks after them so don't worry, Ma-ri Unni don't stress your legs too much have rest if needed" Coco went uphill where graves are placed.


She made a special place near the edge of the short hill where there was a beautiful view of the lake it was everything to her, The Place was a little outside of other graves but she resisted being there for him.

As she climbed up tears were escaping, and her eyes were not letting her see the path they wanted her to stay on, so many people were present there to visit The air was heavy with sadness as each individual held onto a flicker of hope, praying for a miracle— Single wives with their kids, old parents, kids who grown up without their Dad friends who lost their friend, relatives who cherished them all kinds of people were coming, the whole environment was filled with sadness hoping to see if their loved one is miracusly survived or they found remains of them so they can dig the grave or distrust the grave, it was so sad, they had to go through these cruel things.

   "Hyung I'm scared of her she has a lot of roses with her i hope she'll not do any witchcraft like before, I don't want to take her blood-stained-flowing and run to the hospital in front of kids and all these people " Taehyung was concerned.

"Don't worry we'll stop her just in time, I'm already set to handle her, I got her drugs ready I'll inject her right away, I talked with her therapist he said she isn't well enough to handle this so yeah" Namjoon assured him.

"She really turned into a psychopath in some years" Taehyung was making stupid assumptions out of concern.

As they both were busy talking while looking at her they lost her vision and she disappeared from their sight without them realizing.

Helicopters started arriving at the place everyone's eyes were on it. Cries were filling the atmosphere, this is what a reunion sounds like, just in case any relative missed the person, they were announcing each of their names to make it easier to find.

   Coco found herself sitting by his grave her heart was feeling somewhat different Heavy, it was feeling heavy but also like it would take down all the burden in a second, her soul would leave her? to meet his? as they promised. She was feeling uneasy at the extent she'd die at any point but she wasn't sure yet or it was just it's his anger for not believing his existence was right there in that grave.

Her hearing stopped she didn't know if she was breathing her eyesight started to get dark she was sitting there in front of his grave miserable—lifeless, only the flowing breeze was giving her the feel of her being alive- of her existing there, 

This is what happens when a person is about to die.

Just like they are born they start to get their senses— vision, sound, touch and when they're about to die they lose them one by one, Brain starts hallucinating you might see your ancestors around you or your dead loved ones came to receive your soul to heavens, So The Death it is.. 

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