Feelings Are Lost in My Lungs..

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Over four days previously passed, and Jungkook hadn't returned,. He has the greatest post to chip away at. Coco knew it so she anticipated that he should return following seven days.

Ma-ri and Yuri made their everyday visits, Because of Namjoon and Tae she was making a quick recuperation, it was their greatest worry that she could lose it and deteriorate her well-being on the off chance that Jungkook left in this condition.

In the wake of contending with emergency clinic staff about unfortunate security and the new assault on patients Namjoon and Taehyung figured out how to be released, they'll be proceeding with additional medicines back in the house with the Attendant Nurse close by.

Coco was so glad to return to at last home. Subsequent to getting everything together The two of them assisted with getting her in the vehicle and they headed to the house.

Ma-ri and Yuri invited her as her room was set up pleasantly, it was embellished with welcome back, get well soon, signs and blossoms with scented candles. It was a positive sentiment to be back home.

They inquired as to whether she'd remain in her back house or with Taehyung and Ma-ri however she denied it and caused them to set up her backhouse. Nobody had the option to reach out to Jungkook, Coco began to stress more over him, even the Medical attendants <nurses>  didn't have the foggiest idea what was the deal with their staff.

Coco started working from home with the doctor's permission, it was necessary for her to focus on work it would help her to get over the pain & trauma.


Coco was on target with working, overlooking her torment and pushing ahead like nothing happened her work generally made her focused on it was strange, she was doing what she cherished, all things considered, She was lacking a part of her, she gazed at the entryway trusting it'll burst open with Jungkook running inside embracing her tight.

That evening Taehyung served her supper and returned to the house, Coco dozed the entire day cause the Nurse gave her week after week infusions which were excruciating to such an extent that made her rest, so she chose to keep awake for quite a while, and work.

She was upset by an unexpected thump on her door,"Oppa? Nurse Unni?? Who is it??" after not finding any solution she took her brace and strolled gradually to open the entryway.

*gasp* O-Oppa?? J-Jungkook-ah!!!" Jungkook was resting on the entryway when she opened it he fell inside terrified sh!t out of her he was breathing intensely like he'd finish oxygen on the earth.

"Jungkook-ah! what happened? what's happening?" she assisted him with getting up, there was a scratch on his head.

She assisted him with settling down after drinking an adequate number of gallons of water he at last rested, "Coco-ya It's awful, we're in harm's way"

"What happened Koo?" she asked treating the injury on his brow.

"It's a lot to make sense of, I was chipping away at a major mission and I believe I must show up for quite a while at long last, Those individuals who kidnapped you are somehow related with yours and my dad and everything is associated with North Side! They generally helped in drug managing and giving weapons across the line" Jungkook made sense of as her stomach felt weighty and her heart grasped catching wind of it she realized immediately things were so awful.

BABY I'MMA DIE FOR YOUTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang