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It has been 5 months and nothing but great things has been happening to Zac and Fatima. They have been together for six months and they are loving it. They are even talking about moving in together. Now everything is not perfect, they do have their little hiccups but for the most part things are going great. Even things for them individually are going great. Before leaving LA, Mr. Harris offered to give Fatima the management company because he felt like she deserved it the most. Fatima told him she would buy the company from him instead because she wanted this to be something she owned and something no one could take from her. Of course he accepted her offer. Fatima is now the full owner of Aristotle management. She decided to keep the name because of what it stood for.

She also decided to keep managing Zac's career because as she would say no one can manage her man like she can. As for Zac, life has been pretty good to him. He is finally able to love on his woman out in the open and he's not worried about nobody's feeling but hers. he also just finished his first music project with his new record label. He's just waiting on the ok from the label to release it. Zac has decided to go in to business with Asaad because since Asaad has been to prison before it's hard for him to get a job, but When it comes to building stuff. Asaad is very good at it. So Zac decided to become a silent partner in his construction company. Zac has a couple endorsements deal and investments, so he isn't worried about going in to business with Asaad. he just wanted to see his friends do well. Zac is now at the bar with Asaad and Montez.

At Redbird

Zac: this niggas is fucking stupid. (Laughs)

Asaad: I'm being deadass.

Zac: yea I bet you are.

Montez has been quiet the whole time they have been at the bar.

Asaad: Tez you good?

Montez stayed quiet. Then Zac hit the table.

Zac: Montez

Montez: huh yea?

Zac: what's going on with you? You've been quiet since we got here

Montez: my fault y'all I was just thinking about work.

Zac: what about it?

Montez: nothing. what were yall talking about?

Asaad: I was talking about how I need to find my one

Montez: what do you mean your one?

Asaad: I mean I need to find the girl that can be the one for me

Montez: oh ok

Asaad: yea yall two made this shit look easy.

Montez: trust me this is not easy. It feels easy and good in the beginning but once you're in it things start to change.

Zac: damn you and Alexis good?

Montez: I don't know. Ever since we decided to stop trying, things been weird between us. I know she's hurt about not being pregnant but she won't talk to me about it and she's becoming distant.

Zac: maybe this is something she needs to handle by herself. I know you think a couple is supposed to handle everything together, but sometimes your job is just to be there for her and let her know you're there to help her when she's ready for help.

Montez: maybe you're right.

Asaad: yo did Zachary Taylor just give out good relationship advice?

Zac: (smiles) yea I did.

Montez: Fatima really changing this man.

Zac: she doing a little something.

Montez: ain't no she doing a little something. 7 months ago all you would talk about was what girl you hit. Now you talking about love.

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