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At the Beverly Center:

Asaad: yo Zac are you sure you ready to do this?

Zac: hell yea. I ain't never been more sure of anything.

Montez: this is a big step. Plus yall only been together for 6 months.

Zac: so bro my grandfather did this to my grandma within 3 months of them dating and they have been together ever since.

Montez: I know that bro but that was 50 years ago, when most women just wanted to be married with kids. Times are different now. How do you even know Fatima is ready for this?

Asaad: no fuck that. how you know you ready for this step?

Zac: I love Fatima with everything in my body. I already know she's gonna be the mother of my children and my wife in the future why not just speed up the process.

Montez: no bro yall are just now moving in together. Before you fully set your heart on marrying somebody, you gotta see all sides of them.

Zac: why does it sound like you are trying to talk me out of this? Aren't you the one that said I needed to settle down?

Montez: I do want you to settle down and get married but not this quick.

Zac: what you think Fatima not the one for me?

Montez: that's not what I'm saying. Asaad help me out here because this man isn't listening to me.

Asaad: Zac you and Fatima are a great couple. Y'all topping Montez and Alexis in my book.

Montez taps Asaad.

Montez: you deadass right now bro.

Asaad: what bro? She turned this nigga from a fuck boy to a lover boy in 6 months well 3 weeks if we wanna be real. Who doesn't love a story like that?

Montez: My wife did the same shit.

Asaad: yea but their story is more interesting.

Montez: wow why am I even speaking to a lonely ass nigga who sleeps with sex dolls.

Asaad: aye that was one time and we promised not to speak about that Vegas trip.

Zac: yo are y'all done cause I'm trying to pick out my girl's engagement ring.

Asaad: back to you, how you know you're ready for this and yall are just now moving in together.

Zac: what that gotta do with anything?

Asaad: Zac you wanna marry her, but you ain't seen all of her bro. I bet you ain't even see how she wakes up in the morning.

Zac: huh? Of course I seen how she wakes up.

Asaad: no I'm talking about for real. Like no make up on with a bonnet on all that.

Zac: damn now that I'm thinking about it she don't even have a bonnet on going to sleep when she's with me.

Asaad: see this is what I mean. You not even past that phase. when she in her most deepest sleep go get a baby wipe and wipe one side of her face I bet you the other side not gone match.

Montez: (chuckles)  don't tell that man to do that he gone see a different side of his girl if she wakes up with half of her face gone.

Asaad: what? I'm just telling the truth.

Zac: how you know this bro?

Asaad: it was on a different world.

Zac: what?

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