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Outside of Quincy's beach house:

Zac pulled up to the beach house 15 minutes ago. He wanted to go in to the beach house to do what he came to do, but he couldn't stop thinking about Fatima and the babies. He knew that this needed to be done but he wasn't sure that it needed to be done by him anymore. Zac was lost in his thoughts when Amir came and tapped on his window. Zac unlocked the door and Amir took a seat in the car.

Amir: wassup man you ready?

Zac: I can't do it.

Amir: what you mean?

Zac: I was so ready to do this. On the way here I was thinking about how I wanted it to go, then I get here and I can't even get out the car. I'm just sitting here thinking about how my dad and Montez are right. I'm no good to Fatima or our kids if I'm dead or in jail.

Amir: ok so what you wanna do? You wanna call the whole thing off?

Zac: hell no Fatima and the babies could have died so that nigga gotta go. I just can't be the one to do it.

Amir: you want me to handle it?

Zac: no I wouldn't asked you to do something I couldn't do myself. I know how much you like killing niggas, but you gotta sit this one out.

Amir: (smiles) who told you I like killing niggas?

Zac: you. When we asked you why you wanted to go to the army so bad. You said because you get to kill niggas for money and not go to jail for it.

Amir: (laughs) bro you remember that. I was 18 years old when I said that and I was just joking.

Zac: ok then why did you really join the army?

Amir: I went to the army because I enjoy serving my country and bringing the people who cause it harm to justice. The killing people part is just an added bonus.

Amir and Zac laughs.

Zac: so why not go into the police force?

Amir: bro with all the dumb shit we did as kids, captain James will never let me in to her police station.

Zac: true.

Amir: look Zac I know who you used to be when we were kids, but we not kids not more and you're not the same person you were back then. Hell neither of us are. I still can't believe that Montez was the first one married out of all of us.

Zac: yea and he's the most mature one out of all of us too.

Amir: for real he used to be the one who came up with the plans that got us into trouble.

Zac: I know.

Amir: anyway man I understand why you can't do it. This ain't you no more and you're an important man now. People need you, So don't worry about it. I will handle this for you. You just go back to the hospital and be with your girl because if she got you to change your ways, she is something special.

Zac: (smiles) yea she definitely is, but you don't have to handle it for me. I got another plan that works out for me and somebody else.

Amir: what you mean?

Zac: you'll see.

Zac pulled out his phone to make a call.

Dean: who this?

Zac: yo dean it's Zac.

Dean: Zac who?

Zac: Taylor nigga

Dean: damn wassup Zac. I haven't heard from you in years.

Zac: yea I know. Listen did you ever get your money back from that investment you gave Quincy all them years ago?

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