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Fatima was waiting in her hospital room with Kyra beside her. They were waiting for the doctor to come back with her results. Since being in the hospital, all Fatima could think about was her boys. She couldn't stop thinking what if all this stress was causing her to lose one of them or both of them.

Kyra: Hey you ok?

Fatima: No. Doctor Howard is taking forever and a day to come back in here.

Kyra: She will be here. Just relax. You trying to do everything is probably why we are in here.

Fatima: What if there's something wrong with the babies? I don't know how I will handle losing them. I don't know what will happen with me and Zac's relationship if I lose them.

Kyra: Don't go there. Everything will be fine. You were probably just experiencing a little bit of Braxton hicks. Remember I had them with Nyla and look how she turned out. Perfectly fine.

Fatima: (takes a breath) You right. She is perfect.

"Knock knock"

Doctor Howard: Hey. How are you feeling mom?

Fatima: I'm fine. I'm just worried about my babies.

Doctor Howard: Your babies are fine. It's you I'm worried about. Have you been eating healthy like we talked about?

Fatima: Yes. Kyra and our chef have been taking over what I eat. They have been strictly making me eat healthy foods. They won't even let me have a little piece of bacon. (Rolls her eyes)

Doctor Howard: Ok and How is everything going at home? Have you been stressing more lately?

Fatima: Yeah it's been a lot going on lately. Trying to prepare for the babies.

Doctor Howard: Ok the reason I'm asking these questions is because your blood pressure is 140/90. This leads me to believe that you have gestational hypertension. This means that your blood pressure is higher than usual. We need to get that down because that can turn in to preeclampsia.

Fatima: What is that?

Doctor Howard: Preeclampsia is a blood pressure that starts to affect your liver and kidneys. It stops your blood and oxygen from flowing across your placenta which is keeping your babies alive. Once we hit that we are risking your life and your babies life.

Kyra: Ok how do we stop it from getting to that point?

Doctor Howard: First things first, Whatever you are stressing about I need you to let it go. That is playing a major part in why your blood pressure is so high. Another thing, for the next three weeks I am going to need to see you two days every week. I wanna measure your blood pressure as much as possible, I want to make sure we are getting your levels down. I also want you to start taking Methyldopa. (Starts writing the prescription) This will help to prevent any more complications. It will also relax your blood vessels, so your blood can pass through your body and get to the placenta with no problems.

Fatima: Ok.

Doctor Howard: One last thing I am putting you on bed rest. You are not to be lifting any or doing anything that may cause you stress.

Kyra: Thank you. We have been trying to get her to just stay in bed for weeks now.

Fatima: Snitching to my doctor is crazy. So my babies are ok?

Doctor Howard: Yes they are fine. Just please follow my instructions, so we can keep them and you that way.

Kyra: Trust me she will.

Doctor Howard: Ok ladies just give us an hour and we will have your discharge papers ready for you.

Fatima: Ok thank you doctor Howard.

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