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We landed in an hour to our hometown, I am with him in his private jet, and I just read my novel on my phone to get my mind off the news that he just uttered in the villa some hours back !!

I don't know how many times I have to behave like his fake girlfriend in front of stupid media and people. Fuck !! What is the reaction of Ahana and my parents too?? This is embarrassing for me. Oh god !! I murmured to myself. I just wanted to live my life as my old self whose only focus was business.

I am so irritated with him right at the moment but I agree he did sweet things for me back at that beautiful place.
I looked at him and he looked so chill at the moment like he didn't care about what all happened.

He just said to me that I have to stay close to him as the media might capture us outside the airport. They just arrived anywhere.

Ok so actually what do I have to behave like Mr Rathore? I said with a tight lip forced smile. It might be visible on my face that at the moment I want to kill him!!!
We stepped out and he forwarded his hand to hold mine, my heart just flattered at this side, I Don't know why... what all I have heard about him, this side of him seems daydream to me. Though I am not attracted to him no doubt he is hot as hell.

"Miss Kapoor", he called in his hoarse and deep voice ... girls who want me badly might die seeing my this side which is only for you, he said with a smirk on his face.
I don't care, I replied to him with a tight lip smile and my eyes rolled.

He held my hands, the warmth in them yet they were cold but I felt calm. I don't know why my body is calm around him.
I can feel my hand is hidden between his, his size of hand is bigger than mine and broader also!

A car came into my sight, a beautiful dark colour, Royce Rolls.
Shamsher opened the door for me and from his eyes he signed me to sit inside and so I did.
"His this little gestures ."


All this is not at all stressful for me but I know how important this news is important and serious for my family because they are very serious about their reputation and Rathore Royalty.
Vanya also belongs to a rich and high-status family so my family is going to have no issue with the news of us dating.
This "Us dating" looks so good for me and Vanya. I thought to myself in my head and a wide smile on my face.
She is smiling at her phone, why the fuck i am feeling insecure?
I am his fake boyfriend, Shamsher calm down!!
I should not ask her but her smile and little giggles are making my temper go worse.
I somehow calm myself down...
I know how the media might be capturing us so I have to be very careful with my every move!!
I told Vanya also the same about this and damn her reaction her expressions were telling how irritated she is and I so wanted to pull her cheeks at that moment.
I feel myself as a lover boy around her, though I never believed in love nor I ever experienced it!
Who I am around HER just comes out naturally. Never in my life have I ever lived with a girl and my thoughts around here are insane.
I am admitting to myself that,  yes ! I am protective of her.
When she was walking down of stairs I forwarded my hand to hold her!
And that her little chubby hands making my heartbeat go so fast!!!!!
I never want to let go of her, never again after spending two fucking days with her. I very well know about myself and my family name reputation.
If the fake dating news would be with any other girl I must have killed that motherfucker who confirmed our dating, but I am enjoying this fake dating with her.
Me being her boyfriend and she my girlfriend.
Even if it's fake Miss Kapoor "You are mine!"

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