~Chapter Four~

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It was finally lunchtime, and the castleteria was crowded, as usual. Apple was sitting with Ashlyn Ella and Briar Beauty, per usual. Ashlyn and Briar were busy having a conversation about something, but Apple kept zoning out. She had been really off all day, well, ever since Raven got hit at least. She couldn't stop thinking about the way Raven looked at her that morning. Those eyes...

"Apple? Are you okay?" Apple finally broke free from her daze after hearing Briar calling her name.

"You've been staring at the rebel table for 5 minutes"

"Yeah, I'm ok. I've just been...zoning out a lot." Apple responded, defending her strange behavior

Ashlyn and Briar gave each other a strange look, as if they knew Apple was keeping something from them.

"Apple, you can tell us anything, you know that right?" Ashlyn told her friend, giving her a smile. Apple smiled back at Ashlyn, but it quickly turned back into a worried frown as she glanced down at her lunch tray.

"Ash?" Apple questioned, looking up at Ashlyn.

"Yeah?" Ashlyn cheerfully responded

"How did you become comfortable with telling the whole school that you were dating a rebel? I mean like, how did you come to terms with the judgment?"

Ashlyn was surprised, to say the least, at this question. But nevertheless, shared her honest answer with Apple.

"Well, at first I was terrified. For my story, my friends, my future... but, soon enough, I found that it doesn't matter. Your story shouldn't define who you're allowed to love. And if that means you have to write your own story, then go for it!"

Ashlyn and Briar spotted a smile creeping across Apple's face.

"Why do you ask? Do you have a thing for one of the rebels?" Ashlyn chuckled.

"No! Of course not!" Apple squealed, hiding her red face in her hands.

The bell rang, demanding the students head to class. Apple bolted out of the castleteria, Thinking about what Ashlyn said.

Word count: 331

A/N: sorry this is another short chapter!

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