~Chapter Eight~

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Ashlyn and Briar were sitting in the castleteria at their usual table, eating breakfast.

"Hasn't Apple been acting a little...I don't know, strange lately?" Briar said, glancing over at Ashlyn.

"What do you mean?" Ashlyn curiously said

"I mean that every time we've seen her since last week, she's been staring at the rebel table, nonstop talking about Raven, and She's been spending a lot of time with her lately"

Ashlyn stopped eating to process Briar's words. She was right. Every time they were around Apple it was always "Raven is adorable" or "Raven is so gorgeous". She was in a constant state of "Raven this, Raven that".

"What do you think caused this sudden switch? I've also seen Apple hanging out with her more."

"I don't know," Briar said, pondering.

At that moment Apple walked into the castleteria. she didn't notice Ashlyn and Briar and just went straight to the coffee machine in the corner.

"But I think it's about time we find out," Briar continued, grabbing Ashlyn's hand and standing up. Briar darted towards Apple, almost running into her.

"Hey, Briar! Hey Ashlyn" Apple said, smiling.

"Hey, Apple. We need to talk to you." Briar commanded.

"Uh... ok?"

Briar sat Apple down at their table, quickly getting to the point.

"You have been talking about Raven a lot, and spending more and more time with her. Why are you suddenly obsessing over her?"

Apple was taken aback by this question. She didn't realize how much she had started to admire Raven.

"I guess I'm just enjoying my time with her. I don't know"

Ashlyn and Briar glanced over at each other, exchanging a look.

"Okay. Thanks..."Briar replied, not buying it.

Apple got up and quickly started walking out of the castleteria and back to the dorm hall with Ravens coffee.

"I know that there's more to it than that." Briar snapped

"Maybe we should just let it go. Apple will tell us if something happens. We're her best friends forever after."

"You can let it go if you want to. I HAVE to figure it out." Briar said abruptly. With that, Briar stood up, and ran out of the castleteria, after Apple. Chasing her to her dorm room.

Word count: 375

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