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A month later

The mountains. Where only the strongest of wolves would dare to go. They were cruel. Deadly. Frozen. Those who dared climb the mountain, never returned.

San chittered as he kept climbing the mountain. He was going up to the top, to speak to the pack Shard. The pack was known for their isolated, cold-hearted nature and they never let outsiders in. San knew they would not show mercy.

Why did I bother?

San could not stop moving. He would die if he dared too. San kept thinking about a warm, cosy bed with hot chocolate surrounded by warmth, a flame, a fire. He smiled at the thought. He wished to be back home, with his mother, her soothing soft voice in his ear as she played with him.

The only way to get home was to keep going.

Go! Go! Go!

San started sprinting now. Determination kept him going to make it too the top. The snow crunching beneath his feet, leaving pawmarks behind. He pushed on.

Higher. Higher. Higher!

San looked up. He was near the top. Nearly there!

I can do this! I ca-

Suddenly, something came over the top of him. It snarled and growled. San yelped and attempted to fight but failed. It drooled onto him. San glanced up and his red eyes widened.

Ferocious fangs. Tan fur. Stormy eyes. San knew what this was.

A mountain lion. A lone one too.

The lion moved his head to Sans throat. It places the jaws around Sans neck. San knew he was going to be done for He would rather die like this than be executed by his 'so lovely brother.'

San feels himself go faint as he loses blood. Lots of it and before it becomes never ending darkness.

San shot up.

"Where am I? Light? Darkness? Tell me!" San looked around, shouting, and wailing.

San looked beneath him. He was on a bed. Was it all a nightmare? Was he at home? San looked around the room, it had bright blue walls and a comfy one-of-a-kind carpet that shined in your face when you looked at it for too long. There were beds, lined up in rows as if this was the military, with different medical treatments by them. San looked around the room, he was alone.

Until a door slid opened to reveal a girl. She was quiet tall with dirty long golden hair and a soft smile, with chocolate button eyes. She went over to him.

"Hello sir," the girl said, her voice soft and gentle. "I'm Handong, the healer of Blizzard," Handong took out a pen and a sheet of paper. "Do you mind if I ask you a few questions, to check your condition?"

"I'm in Blizzard?" asked San, checking that Handong did not make that up.

"Yes sir," Handong answers.

"I-I-I need to speak to your head alpha," San attempted to get up before he was shoved back down by the healer.

"Sir, I will bring her to you, if you let me ask you some questions first," Handong looked at San, San could not believe her patients. He knew that if he wished to see the head alpha he would need to co-operate.

"Ask away," said San.

"Your name and age?" asked Handong.

"Choi San, aged 24," San answered and Handong started to note down.

Handong looked up at him, her eyes narrowed slightly at him, San could tell that she was not impressed that the 2nd born prince is here in her healing area. She speaks a bit more coldly to him.

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