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San woke up in darkness. It loomed over him as he looked around, darkness all around. He got up and growled slightly, knowing exactly where he was.

"Show yourself!" snapped San.

Laughter. And lots of it as well. San hated this. He hated when he spoke to him. He was the worst, after Taeyong of course.

"I'm not playing games tonight Sage!" San looked around for the spirit. "If you have something to say, say it to my face!"

The spirit, known as Sage, finally revealed himself. He had short orange hair, his eyes filled with a mischievous green and his smirk wide on his face.

"Aww, can i not have some fun Sannie?" asked Sage, his cheeky grin still there.

"Let's just get it over with," grumbled San before he spoke up. "Why are you speaking to me tonight in the void, and of all nights when I am up sharp with the Beta in the morning, I have to find the Omega as soon as possible, so what is it tonight? And DO NOT say 'Ohh, ohhh, ohh, I'm here to see my favourite prince!' If you say that..." San stopped, unable to think of what he could do.

Sage looked at him and chuckled before he started, "I do have a reason that i am here tonight," he started, but his soft, little cheeky and cute smile faded. His mischievous green eyes began to grieve. "But... what I am saying is serious tonight," he stopped for a long time.

San tapped his foot impatiently, but he knew that this was the most distressed and serious he had seen Sage for the past 3 months, and that was when he died. Sage took a deep breath and began.

"Storm and Shadow will meet during heat," started Sage. "They will meet when the moon is bright like blood, anger, anguish, everything will be there," he gulped as San kept watching him.

"You need to find 8 men," he went so close to each face that San had to jump back. "Each of them will help prevent this war, and will save the world from other, more devilish people!"

"So..." asked San, looking at him. "Who are the 8?"

Sage cleared his throat, "I'm glad you asked my fellow human, living whatever you want to call yourself!"

"Don't joke around now," San tone became very stern.

"The fire," started Sage, ignoring Sans comment as light now began to light up the darkness.

"The Star," he took another breath as the fire went away and the sky became filled with stars.

"The Shadow," he started going invisible again and appeared behind San, scaring him as he spoke again.

"The Moon!" San jumped as Sage came behind him, a moon came into the sky with the stars, making the place a soft, relaxing light.

"The River," the moons and stars went away as a massive wave came towards him, he shut his eyes as this could easily sweep him away.

"The Seer," The water soaked San all over as eyes began to appear. San stared directly at them as they glared and narrowed at him. Sage walked in front of them as he continued.

"The Sun," A bright ball appeared as San had to shield his eyes quickly. He hissed a little.

"And finally," said Sage as the sun went away and he looked at him. "The flower," life hit as the place was filled with flowers, deer, elk, fish, trees. But San saw one tall sunflower, sticking out at him.

Everything began to fade as Sage came down to the floor. San turned to him as he looked directly at them.

"Please find them soon San," Sage started to plead. "Please, before the world is doomed, finished and taken over!"

San looks at Sage and shakes his head.

"I can't do this, Sage!" shouted San. "You know I can't, I need to find the Omega, why do you think I can do this?"

"I lost my fucking life, I will not let others have the same fucking fate as mine!" Sage swiftly turned to San, his soft green eyes filled with tears. "San, understand that I will not let other people fall. Young, old, tall, small, we are all different, but I need you to help everyone, not just yourself or me! We co-"

"It's a no Sage!" shouted San interrupting him as Sage stood in anger there, glaring at him. "Now fuck off!"

"Fine, doom is on you!" Sage then vanished into thin air, no trace of him to be found.

San growled and snapped at himself, happy that he was gone, but guilt was still on him and he had so many questions.

It's not my priority, San decided in his head. It's to find the Omega and drag his ass back to my brother.

San shut his eyes and fell back into a dreamless sleep, leaving the everlasting void behind him.

"It may not be your priority now Choi San, but trust me, it will definitely become your priority very soon!"

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