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Seonghwa looked out in front of him as Mingi was helping carry the prey back with the head alpha, Chan as he instructed Felix to catch more prey on the way back. Seonghwa was in between Hyunjin and Seungmin who were helping him along the path.

He hated being this week, despite being a beta, he felt he should have done more to help Mingi. He could sense Seungmin gaze upon him. Seonghwa looked at him. His eyes were filled with sympathy.

It was awkward. Very awkward. Who should speak first? Should it be him? Should it be me? Seonghwa started to overthink his thoughts in the spot.

"Sorry," said Seungmin quietly looking away. Seonghwa looked up at him.

"No, I'm sorry," Seonghwa replied. "I should have not overthink everything," he smiled softly.

"It's no problem," Seungmin smiled at him.

It went quiet again. Silence. Not even the group up front were speaking. Seonghwa kept his head to the ground. Focusing on putting one foot in front of the other.

"We are close to the pack house," a colder tone spoke as Hyunjin was glancing at his leg.

"No need to be like this Hyunjin!" said Lee know coming from behind them. "I don't think the new alpha, Mingi, has any interest in taking your mate away!"

"You never know with new alphas," growled Hyunjin.

"I-I-I promise..." gulped Seonghwa as he stuttered over his next words. "He has no plans on takin your mate away... We are looking for..." Seonghwa hesitated.

Hyunjin stared at him, "Who?"

"The crowned princes mate, Taeyong's new mate," said Seonghwa.

Hyunjin instantly looked away. He kept his eyes on the path, not even glancing at him. Seungmin and Lee know glance at each other. It was not a glance of concern, but a glance of shock and confusion.

His thoughts suddenly were cut when Can shouted "We are here!"

Seonghwa looked up at the house, it was massive with bright white walls. Seonghwa had to look away from it due to its light it gave to the world in the darkness.

Seonghwa saw a new wolf come out, he had a lovely brown hair that was long-ish, and he looked very cute, Seonghwa could not deny that. He bounced over, closer to him. Hyunjin let out a small smile as he shifts into his wolf and nuzzles the boy.

That's his mate!

Seonghwa saw the boy look at him and he smiled.

"I'm Changbin!" he let out a grin. "I.N came by and said we were having guests!"

"Changbin, give him a bit of space," a low, chuckling came out on Hyunjin and Changbin dipped his head slightly. Seonghwa was shocked, he thought this guy had no sense of humour.

Seonghwa heard footsteps coming towards him, he looked up to see Mingi beginning to approach him.

"How have you been?" he asked.

"It hurts but I should be okay for tomorrow," he said to Mingi. He just nodded.

"Just wished you told me earlier, I would have abandoned the prey to get you out of there!" he said.

"It's okay," Seonghwa smiled.

Mingi glanced at Changbin. "Mingi," he held out his hand to Changbin, whose eyes had now became amber due to a new alpha in the area. Changbin shaked it "Changbin!"

"Hate to bother your lovely conversation there," Chan shouted across to them. "But I would like if you got your asses inside this building where it is warm and were no other animals will use your pregnant mate for prey Hyunjin! Han is nearly done with the vegetable and I.N has the cooker on to cook the meat!"

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