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"Fuck..." it was weak, very weak as a tall figure approches the boy in chains. A smirk came from the figures face as he heads over and pulls the boys face up.
"You're mine," the voice was deep, cold and it made the boy shive,r, he whimpered like a crying omega.
"I own you," the voice continued to say. "You wanted my help and you disobey me. Meaning I get my fucking way with you!"
He bit the boy in the neck, exactly where a mating mark would go as the boy screams, it echos within the darkness. Ruby red blood dripping from his neck where the figure bit him.
The figure slammed the boy down and laughed sinisterly before walking away into the darkness.
The boy cried in pain, he felt those chains get tighter and tighter on him. Before he  escaped from reality he mumbled.
"Someone please...save me from this hell!"

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