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"Jongho?" an unknown voice said as he attempted to open his eyes. "He's moving, don't bring the other one up yet in case he still goes bananas!"

Jongho grunted and tried to open his eyes. Everything ached. His mussels, his bones, his head. The voice spoke again "Open your eyes, please!"

Jongho was unsure if he could even attempt. He suddenly heard more footsteps. "Has he awoken?" another voice asked.

"Not yet Jungwon," said the other one as he placed a hand on Jongho's hair. "I think he might today, it's been 2 day, but he grunted at something I said earlier to myself," he sensed silence.

"Well what was it then?" asked the other.

"Telling you and Jake to stop running around and get to the food again as someone did NOT keep an eye on it," he chuckled. "Smoke was all over the house and I could not see a fucking thing!"

"Language!" laughed the other boy, Jongho let out a small chuckle.

"He can hear us," said one of them. "Hey there, Jongho right, I need you to open your eyes, I am Jongwon, the head alpha of this pack. I need you to wake up, please, your friend, Yeosang, needs you," he stopped.

Jongho began attempting again. His eyes were glued shut. He shuffled in the bed a lot. He tried and tried.

"Yeosang needs you!" said the other boy out of nowhere.


Jongho attempted more than ever, he then started to see a lot of light. He looked up at the light, it was very bright.

"I-I-Im I in heaven?" Jongho was able to stumble out.

"No! Your just staring at the brightest light in the fucking house!" said the unknown one.

"Turn it off!" said Jungwon. "And mind your language!"

The light suddenly flicked out and Jongho could see again. He looked around the room, there was a small bedside table with water and food. Jongho grabbed it and gulped it down with no hesitation.

A warm meal. A lovely warm meal is what he needed to survive. He kept eating because of how delicious it was. A little laughter came from behind him.

"Someone was hungry," Jongho turned around to see a brown headed boy, he was definitely younger than them. His eyes were a soft brown that made him look a little like a teddy bear.

"I'm Jungwon," he smiled at him. "It's lovely to meet you!"

"Jongho," he said through a gulp of food.

"That guy who was there, that was Sunoo," said Jungwon softly.

Jongho glanced around the room. It had pale blue walls with little clouds on them. Was this a children's room he was in? He saw lots of toys to play with and gave a confused glance at Jungwon.

"None of us are pregnant, we setted up as many pregnant wolves come here and stay for a while in the nursery to give birth," he smiled at Jongho.

"That's amazing," he mumbled. Who knew that such young wolves would be so kind hearted. He glanced at the door as footsteps could be heard coming closer to the door.

Three men peered in. Two of them he instantly recognized. He growled. A low rumble in his throat. They both glance at him, then each other. The one he had never seen before had long-ish blond hair with it very long in the middle. He smiled at him softly, but Jongho refused to smile back.

He knew who the other one was. He snapped "How did you knock me out so easily?" his eyes were red again.

He kept his gaze at him, "Magic!" He did small jazz hands but stopped once the one that fought him slapped him in the shoulder.

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